Friday, October 4, 2024

Bible Readings for October 4, 2024

Let's read the Bible together in the next year. Today, our passages are Jeremiah 2:31–4:18; Colossians 1:1-20; Psalm 76:1-12; and Proverbs 24:21-22. The readings are from The Message by Eugene H. Peterson.

Jeremiah 2:31-4:18 (The Message)

 31-32"What a generation you turned out to be!
   Didn't I tell you? Didn't I warn you?
Have I let you down, Israel?
   Am I nothing but a dead-end street?
Why do my people say, 'Good riddance!
   From now on we're on our own'?
Young women don't forget their jewelry, do they?
   Brides don't show up without their veils, do they?
But my people forget me.
   Day after day after day they never give me a thought.
 33-35"What an impressive start you made
   to get the most out of life.
You founded schools of sin,
   taught graduate courses in evil!
And now you're sending out graduates, resplendent in cap and gown—
   except the gowns are stained with the blood of your victims!
All that blood convicts you.
   You cut and hurt a lot of people to get where you are.
And yet you have the gall to say, 'I've done nothing wrong.
   God doesn't mind. He hasn't punished me, has he?'
Don't look now, but judgment's on the way,
   aimed at you who say, 'I've done nothing wrong.'
 36-37"You think it's just a small thing, don't you,
   to try out another sin-project when the first one fails?
But Egypt will leave you in the lurch
   the same way that Assyria did.
You're going to walk away from there
   wringing your hands.
I, God, have blacklisted those you trusted.
   You'll get not a lick of help from them." 

Jeremiah 3

Your Sex-and-Religion Obsessions

 1 God's Message came to me as follows: "If a man's wife
   walks out on him
And marries another man,
   can he take her back as if nothing had happened?
Wouldn't that raise a huge stink
   in the land?
And isn't that what you've done—
   'whored' your way with god after god?
And now you want to come back as if nothing had happened."
   God's Decree.  2-5"Look around at the hills.
   Where have you not had sex?
You've camped out like hunters stalking deer.
   You've solicited many lover-gods,
Like a streetwalking whore
   chasing after other gods.
And so the rain has stopped.
   No more rain from the skies!
But it doesn't even faze you. Brazen as whores,
   you carry on as if you've done nothing wrong.
Then you have the nerve to call out, 'My father!
   You took care of me when I was a child. Why not now?
Are you going to keep up your anger nonstop?'
   That's your line. Meanwhile you keep sinning nonstop." 

Admit Your God-Defiance

 6-10God spoke to me during the reign of King Josiah: "You have noticed, haven't you, how fickle Israel has visited every hill and grove of trees as a whore at large? I assumed that after she had gotten it out of her system, she'd come back, but she didn't. Her flighty sister, Judah, saw what she did. She also saw that because of fickle Israel's loose morals I threw her out, gave her her walking papers. But that didn't faze flighty sister Judah. She went out, big as you please, and took up a whore's life also. She took up cheap sex-and-religion as a sideline diversion, an indulgent recreation, and used anything and anyone, flouting sanity and sanctity alike, stinking up the country. And not once in all this did flighty sister Judah even give me a nod, although she made a show of it from time to time." God's Decree.  11-12Then God told me, "Fickle Israel was a good sight better than flighty Judah. Go and preach this message. Face north toward Israel and say:
 12-15"'Turn back, fickle Israel.
   I'm not just hanging back to punish you.
I'm committed in love to you.
   My anger doesn't seethe nonstop.
Just admit your guilt.
   Admit your God-defiance.
Admit to your promiscuous life with casual partners,
   pulling strangers into the sex-and-religion groves
While turning a deaf ear to me.'"
   God's Decree.
"Come back, wandering children!"
   God's Decree.
"I, yes I, am your true husband.
   I'll pick you out one by one—
This one from the city, these two from the country—
   and bring you to Zion.
I'll give you good shepherd-rulers who rule my way,
   who rule you with intelligence and wisdom.
 16"And this is what will happen: You will increase and prosper in the land. The time will come"—God's Decree!—"when no one will say any longer, 'Oh, for the good old days! Remember the Ark of the Covenant?' It won't even occur to anyone to say it—'the good old days.' The so-called good old days of the Ark are gone for good.
 17"Jerusalem will be the new Ark—'God's Throne.' All the godless nations, no longer stuck in the ruts of their evil ways, will gather there to honor God.
 18"At that time, the House of Judah will join up with the House of Israel. Holding hands, they'll leave the north country and come to the land I willed to your ancestors.
 19-20"I planned what I'd say if you returned to me:
   'Good! I'll bring you back into the family.
I'll give you choice land,
   land that the godless nations would die for.'
And I imagined that you would say, 'Dear father!'
   and would never again go off and leave me.
But no luck. Like a false-hearted woman walking out on her husband,
   you, the whole family of Israel, have proven false to me."
         God's Decree.
 21-22The sound of voices comes drifting out of the hills,
   the unhappy sound of Israel's crying,
Israel lamenting the wasted years,
   never once giving her God a thought.
"Come back, wandering children!
   I can heal your wanderlust!"
 22-25"We're here! We've come back to you.
   You're our own true God!
All that popular religion was a cheap lie,
   duped crowds buying up the latest in gods.
We're back! Back to our true God,
   the salvation of Israel.
The Fraud picked us clean, swindled us
   of what our ancestors bequeathed us,
Gypped us out of our inheritance—
   God-blessed flocks and God-given children.
We made our bed and now lie in it,
   all tangled up in the dirty sheets of dishonor.
All because we sinned against our God,
   we and our fathers and mothers.
From the time we took our first steps, said our first words,
   we've been rebels, disobeying the voice of our God." 

Jeremiah 4

 1-2 "If you want to come back, O Israel, you must really come back to me.
You must get rid of your stinking sin paraphernalia
   and not wander away from me anymore.
Then you can say words like, 'As God lives...'
   and have them mean something true and just and right.
And the godless nations will get caught up in the blessing
   and find something in Israel to write home about."  3-4Here's another Message from God
   to the people of Judah and Jerusalem:
"Plow your unplowed fields,
   but then don't plant weeds in the soil!
Yes, circumcise your lives for God's sake.
   Plow your unplowed hearts,
   all you people of Judah and Jerusalem.
Prevent fire—the fire of my anger—
   for once it starts it can't be put out.
Your wicked ways
   are fuel for the fire. 

God's Sledgehammer Anger

 5-8"Sound the alarm in Judah,
   broadcast the news in Jerusalem.
Say, 'Blow the ram's horn trumpet through the land!'
   Shout out—a bullhorn bellow!—
'Close ranks!
   Run for your lives to the shelters!'
Send up a flare warning Zion:
   'Not a minute to lose! Don't sit on your hands!'
Disaster's descending from the north. I set it off!
   When it lands, it will shake the foundations.
Invaders have pounced like a lion from its cover,
   ready to rip nations to shreds,
Leaving your land in wrack and ruin,
   your cities in rubble, abandoned.
Dress in funereal black.
   Weep and wail,
For God's sledgehammer anger
   has slammed into us head-on.  9"When this happens"
   —God's Decree—
"King and princes will lose heart;
   priests will be baffled and prophets stand dumbfounded."
 10Then I said, "Alas, Master God!
   You've fed lies to this people, this Jerusalem.
You assured them, 'All is well, don't worry,'
   at the very moment when the sword was at their throats."
 11-12At that time, this people, yes, this very Jerusalem,
   will be told in plain words:
"The northern hordes are sweeping in
   from the desert steppes—
A wind that's up to no good, a gale-force wind.
   I ordered this wind.
I'm pronouncing
   my hurricane judgment on my people." 

Your Evil Life Is Piercing Your Heart

 13-14Look at them! Like banks of storm clouds,
   racing, tumbling, their chariots a tornado,
Their horses faster than eagles!
   Woe to us! We're done for!
Jerusalem! Scrub the evil from your lives
   so you'll be fit for salvation.
How much longer will you harbor
   devious and malignant designs within you?  15-17What's this? A messenger from Dan?
   Bad news from Ephraim's hills!
Make the report public.
   Broadcast the news to Jerusalem:
"Invaders from far off are
   raising war cries against Judah's towns.
They're all over her, like a dog on a bone.
   And why? Because she rebelled against me."
         God's Decree.
 18"It's the way you've lived
   that's brought all this on you.
The bitter taste is from your evil life.
   That's what's piercing your heart."

Colossians 1:1-20 (The Message)

Colossians 1

 1-2I, Paul, have been sent on special assignment by Christ as part of God's master plan. Together with my friend Timothy, I greet the Christians and stalwart followers of Christ who live in Colosse. May everything good from God our Father be yours! 

Working in His Orchard

 3-5Our prayers for you are always spilling over into thanksgivings. We can't quit thanking God our Father and Jesus our Messiah for you! We keep getting reports on your steady faith in Christ, our Jesus, and the love you continuously extend to all Christians. The lines of purpose in your lives never grow slack, tightly tied as they are to your future in heaven, kept taut by hope.  5-8The Message is as true among you today as when you first heard it. It doesn't diminish or weaken over time. It's the same all over the world. The Message bears fruit and gets larger and stronger, just as it has in you. From the very first day you heard and recognized the truth of what God is doing, you've been hungry for more. It's as vigorous in you now as when you learned it from our friend and close associate Epaphras. He is one reliable worker for Christ! I could always depend on him. He's the one who told us how thoroughly love had been worked into your lives by the Spirit.
 9-12Be assured that from the first day we heard of you, we haven't stopped praying for you, asking God to give you wise minds and spirits attuned to his will, and so acquire a thorough understanding of the ways in which God works. We pray that you'll live well for the Master, making him proud of you as you work hard in his orchard. As you learn more and more how God works, you will learn how to do your work. We pray that you'll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul—not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for us.
 13-14God rescued us from dead-end alleys and dark dungeons. He's set us up in the kingdom of the Son he loves so much, the Son who got us out of the pit we were in, got rid of the sins we were doomed to keep repeating. 

Christ Holds It All Together

 15-18We look at this Son and see the God who cannot be seen. We look at this Son and see God's original purpose in everything created. For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, rank after rank after rank of angels—everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him. He was there before any of it came into existence and holds it all together right up to this moment. And when it comes to the church, he organizes and holds it together, like a head does a body.  18-20He was supreme in the beginning and—leading the resurrection parade—he is supreme in the end. From beginning to end he's there, towering far above everything, everyone. So spacious is he, so roomy, that everything of God finds its proper place in him without crowding. Not only that, but all the broken and dislocated pieces of the universe—people and things, animals and atoms—get properly fixed and fit together in vibrant harmonies, all because of his death, his blood that poured down from the cross.

Psalm 76:1-12 (The Message)

Psalm 76

An Asaph Psalm

 1-3 God is well-known in Judah; in Israel, he's a household name.
   He keeps a house in Salem,
      his own suite of rooms in Zion.
   That's where, using arrows for kindling,
      he made a bonfire of weapons of war.

 4-6 Oh, how bright you shine!
      Outshining their huge piles of loot!
   The warriors were plundered
      and left there impotent.
   And now there's nothing to them,
      nothing to show for their swagger and threats.
   Your sudden roar, God of Jacob,
      knocked the wind out of horse and rider.

 7-10 Fierce you are, and fearsome!
      Who can stand up to your rising anger?
   From heaven you thunder judgment;
      earth falls to her knees and holds her breath.
   God stands tall and makes things right,
      he saves all the wretched on earth.
   Instead of smoldering rage—God-praise!
      All that sputtering rage—now a garland for God!

 11-12 Do for God what you said you'd do—
      he is, after all, your God.
   Let everyone in town bring offerings
      to the One Who Watches our every move.
   Nobody gets by with anything,
      no one plays fast and loose with him.

Proverbs 24:21-22 (The Message)


 21-22 Fear God, dear child—respect your leaders;
   don't be defiant or mutinous.
Without warning your life can turn upside down,
   and who knows how or when it might happen?

Thought for the Day

“Don't brag about tomorrow! Each day brings its own surprises.” (Proverbs 27:1 - Contemporary English Version) Life is lived moment to moment. Therefore, even though it would be irresponsible not to prepare for tomorrow, it's foolish to celebrate future successes or to bemoan future failures. And before you know it, the future will become the present anyway.

Quote for the Day

Author and internationally recognized education leader known for her work in curriculum mapping, curriculum integration, and developing 21st century approaches to teaching and learning, Heidi Hayes Jacobs wrote, "Rooted in the word 'history' is 'story.' And America's story is exceptional. It's amazing. Younger students should learn that we have always been and continue to be a land of immigrants - a land committed to bold new ideas."

Joke for Today

A 90-year-old man goes for a physical and all of his tests come back normal.

The doctor says, “Larry, everything looks great. How are you doing mentally and emotionally? Are you at peace with God?”

Larry replies, “God and I are tight. He knows I have poor eyesight, so He’s fixed it so when I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, poof! The light goes on. When I’m done, poof! The light goes off.”

“Wow, that’s incredible,” the doctor says.

A little later in the day, the doctor calls Larry’s wife.

“Bonnie,” he says, “Larry is doing fine! But I had to call you because I’m in awe of his relationship with God. Is it true that he gets up during the night, and poof, the light goes on in the bathroom, and when he’s done, poof, the light goes off?”

“Oh sweet Jesus”, exclaims Bonnie. “He’s peeing in the refrigerator again!”

A Prayer Request

As Christians, we can offer specific daily prayers for our community, nation and world. Below is the need that we're laying before God today.

That our community, state and national leaders would be presented with the Gospel and a loving Christian witness.

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