Let's read the Bible together in the next year. Today our passages are Hosea 6:1–9:17; 3 John 1-14; Psalm 126:1-6; and Proverbs 29:12-14. The readings are the Contemporary English Version.
Hosea 6-9:17 (Contemporary English Version)
Hosea 6
The LORD's People Speak
1Let's return to the LORD. He has torn us to shreds,
but he will bandage our wounds
and make us well.
2In two or three days
he will heal us
and restore our strength
that we may live with him.
3Let's do our best
to know the LORD.
His coming is as certain
as the morning sun;
he will refresh us like rain
renewing the earth
in the springtime.
but he will bandage our wounds
and make us well.
2In two or three days
he will heal us
and restore our strength
that we may live with him.
3Let's do our best
to know the LORD.
His coming is as certain
as the morning sun;
he will refresh us like rain
renewing the earth
in the springtime.
The LORD Speaks to Israel and Judah
4People of Israel and Judah, what can I do with you?
Your love for me disappears
more quickly
than mist
or dew at sunrise.
5That's why I slaughtered you
with the words
of my prophets.
That's why my judgments blazed
like the dawning sun. a] 6I'd rather for you to be faithful
and to know me
than to offer sacrifices.
7At a place named Adam,
you b] betrayed me by breaking our agreement.
8Everyone in Gilead is evil;
your hands are stained
with the blood of victims. c] 9You priests are like a gang
of robbers in ambush. d] On the road to Shechem e] you murder
and commit
other horrible crimes.
10I have seen a terrible thing
in Israel--
you are unfaithful
and unfit to worship me.
11People of Judah,
your time is coming too.
I, the LORD, would like to make
my nation prosper again
Your love for me disappears
more quickly
than mist
or dew at sunrise.
5That's why I slaughtered you
with the words
of my prophets.
That's why my judgments blazed
like the dawning sun. a] 6I'd rather for you to be faithful
and to know me
than to offer sacrifices.
7At a place named Adam,
you b] betrayed me by breaking our agreement.
8Everyone in Gilead is evil;
your hands are stained
with the blood of victims. c] 9You priests are like a gang
of robbers in ambush. d] On the road to Shechem e] you murder
and commit
other horrible crimes.
10I have seen a terrible thing
in Israel--
you are unfaithful
and unfit to worship me.
11People of Judah,
your time is coming too.
I, the LORD, would like to make
my nation prosper again
Hosea 7
The LORD Wants To Help Israel
1and to heal its wounds. But then I see the crimes
in Israel f] and Samaria. Everyone is deceitful;
robbers roam the streets.
2No one realizes
that I have seen their sins
surround them
like a flood.
3The king and his officials
take great pleasure
in their sin and deceit.
4Everyone burns with desire--
they are like coals in an oven,
ready to burst into flames.
5On the day their king
was crowned,
his officials got him drunk,
and he joined
in their foolishness. g] 6Their anger is a fire
that smolders all night,
then flares up at dawn.
7They are flames
destroying their leaders.
And their kings are powerless;
none of them trust me.
8The people of Israel h] have mixed with foreigners;
they are a thin piece of bread
scorched on one side.
9They don't seem to realize
how weak and feeble they are;
their hair has turned gray,
while foreigners rule.
10I am the LORD, their God,
but in all of their troubles
their pride keeps them
from returning to me.
in Israel f] and Samaria. Everyone is deceitful;
robbers roam the streets.
2No one realizes
that I have seen their sins
surround them
like a flood.
3The king and his officials
take great pleasure
in their sin and deceit.
4Everyone burns with desire--
they are like coals in an oven,
ready to burst into flames.
5On the day their king
was crowned,
his officials got him drunk,
and he joined
in their foolishness. g] 6Their anger is a fire
that smolders all night,
then flares up at dawn.
7They are flames
destroying their leaders.
And their kings are powerless;
none of them trust me.
8The people of Israel h] have mixed with foreigners;
they are a thin piece of bread
scorched on one side.
9They don't seem to realize
how weak and feeble they are;
their hair has turned gray,
while foreigners rule.
10I am the LORD, their God,
but in all of their troubles
their pride keeps them
from returning to me.
No Help from Foreign Nations
The LORD said:
11Israel i] is a senseless bird, fluttering back and forth between Egypt and Assyria.
12But I will catch them in a net
as hunters trap birds;
I threatened to punish them,
and indeed I will. j] 13Trouble and destruction
will be their reward
for rejecting me.
I would have rescued them,
but they told me lies.
14They don't really pray to me;
they just howl in their beds.
They have rejected me for Baal
and slashed themselves, k] in the hope that Baal
will bless their crops.
15I taught them what they know,
and I made them strong.
Now they plot against me
16and refuse to obey. l] They are more useless
than a crooked arrow.
Their leaders will die in war
for saying foolish things.
Egyptians will laugh at them.
12But I will catch them in a net
as hunters trap birds;
I threatened to punish them,
and indeed I will. j] 13Trouble and destruction
will be their reward
for rejecting me.
I would have rescued them,
but they told me lies.
14They don't really pray to me;
they just howl in their beds.
They have rejected me for Baal
and slashed themselves, k] in the hope that Baal
will bless their crops.
15I taught them what they know,
and I made them strong.
Now they plot against me
16and refuse to obey. l] They are more useless
than a crooked arrow.
Their leaders will die in war
for saying foolish things.
Egyptians will laugh at them.
Hosea 8
Israel Rejects the LORD
The LORD said:
1Sound a warning! Israel, you broke our agreement
and ignored my teaching.
Now an eagle is swooping down
to attack my land.
2Israel, you say, " We claim you,
the LORD, as our God."
3But your enemies
will chase you
for rejecting
our good agreement. m] 4You chose kings and leaders
without consulting me;
you made silver and gold idols
that led to your downfall.
5City of Samaria, I'm angry
because of your idol
in the shape of a calf.
When will you ever
be innocent again?
6Someone from Israel built
that idol for you,
but only I am God.
And so it will be smashed
to pieces. n] 7If you scatter wind
instead of wheat,
you will harvest a whirlwind
and have no wheat.
Even if you harvest grain,
enemies will steal it all.
8Israel, you are ruined,
and now the nations
consider you worthless.
9You are like a wild donkey
that goes its own way.
You've run off to Assyria
and hired them as allies.
10You can bargain with nations,
but I'll catch you anyway.
Soon you will suffer abuse
by kings and rulers.
11Israel, you have built
many altars
where you offer
sacrifices for sin.
But these altars have become
places for sin.
12My instructions for sacrifices
were written in detail,
but you ignored them.
13You sacrifice your best animals
and eat the sacrificial meals, o] but I, the LORD,
refuse your offerings.
I will remember your sins
and punish you.
Then you will return to Egypt. p] 14Israel, I created you,
but you forgot me.
You and Judah built palaces
and many strong cities. q] Now I will send fire to destroy
your towns and fortresses.
and ignored my teaching.
Now an eagle is swooping down
to attack my land.
2Israel, you say, " We claim you,
the LORD, as our God."
3But your enemies
will chase you
for rejecting
our good agreement. m] 4You chose kings and leaders
without consulting me;
you made silver and gold idols
that led to your downfall.
5City of Samaria, I'm angry
because of your idol
in the shape of a calf.
When will you ever
be innocent again?
6Someone from Israel built
that idol for you,
but only I am God.
And so it will be smashed
to pieces. n] 7If you scatter wind
instead of wheat,
you will harvest a whirlwind
and have no wheat.
Even if you harvest grain,
enemies will steal it all.
8Israel, you are ruined,
and now the nations
consider you worthless.
9You are like a wild donkey
that goes its own way.
You've run off to Assyria
and hired them as allies.
10You can bargain with nations,
but I'll catch you anyway.
Soon you will suffer abuse
by kings and rulers.
11Israel, you have built
many altars
where you offer
sacrifices for sin.
But these altars have become
places for sin.
12My instructions for sacrifices
were written in detail,
but you ignored them.
13You sacrifice your best animals
and eat the sacrificial meals, o] but I, the LORD,
refuse your offerings.
I will remember your sins
and punish you.
Then you will return to Egypt. p] 14Israel, I created you,
but you forgot me.
You and Judah built palaces
and many strong cities. q] Now I will send fire to destroy
your towns and fortresses.
Hosea 9
Israel Will Be Punished
1Israel, don't celebrate or make noisy shouts r] like other nations.
You have been unfaithful
to your God.
Wherever grain is threshed,
you behave like prostitutes
because you enjoy
the money you receive. s] 2But you will run short
of grain and wine,
3and you will have to leave
the land of the LORD.
Some of you will go to Egypt;
others will go to Assyria
and eat unclean food.
4You won't be able to offer
sacrifices of wine
to the LORD.
None of your sacrifices
will please him--
they will be unclean
like food offered to the dead.
Your food will only be used
to satisfy your hunger;
none of it will be brought
to the LORD's temple.
5You will no longer be able
to celebrate the festival
of the LORD. t] 6Even if you escape alive,
you will end up in Egypt
and be buried in Memphis. u] Your silver treasures
will be lost among weeds; v] thorns will sprout in your tents.
7Israel, the time has come.
You will get what you deserve,
and you will know it.
" Prophets are fools," you say.
" And God's messengers
are crazy."
Your terrible guilt
has filled you with hatred.
8Israel, the LORD sent me
to look after you. w] But you trap his prophets
and flood his temple
with your hatred.
9You are brutal and corrupt,
as were the men of Gibeah. x] But God remembers your sin,
and you will be punished.
You have been unfaithful
to your God.
Wherever grain is threshed,
you behave like prostitutes
because you enjoy
the money you receive. s] 2But you will run short
of grain and wine,
3and you will have to leave
the land of the LORD.
Some of you will go to Egypt;
others will go to Assyria
and eat unclean food.
4You won't be able to offer
sacrifices of wine
to the LORD.
None of your sacrifices
will please him--
they will be unclean
like food offered to the dead.
Your food will only be used
to satisfy your hunger;
none of it will be brought
to the LORD's temple.
5You will no longer be able
to celebrate the festival
of the LORD. t] 6Even if you escape alive,
you will end up in Egypt
and be buried in Memphis. u] Your silver treasures
will be lost among weeds; v] thorns will sprout in your tents.
7Israel, the time has come.
You will get what you deserve,
and you will know it.
" Prophets are fools," you say.
" And God's messengers
are crazy."
Your terrible guilt
has filled you with hatred.
8Israel, the LORD sent me
to look after you. w] But you trap his prophets
and flood his temple
with your hatred.
9You are brutal and corrupt,
as were the men of Gibeah. x] But God remembers your sin,
and you will be punished.
Sin's Terrible Results
10Israel, when I, the LORD, found you long ago
it was like finding
grapes in a barren desert
or tender young figs.
Then you worshiped Baal Peor,
that disgusting idol,
and you became as disgusting
as the idol you loved.
11And so, Israel, your glory
will fly away like birds--
your women will no longer
be able to give birth.
12Even if you do have children,
I will take them all
and leave you to mourn.
I will turn away,
and you will sink down
in deep trouble.
13Israel, when I first met you,
I thought of you as palm trees
growing in fertile ground. y] Now you lead your people out,
only to be slaughtered.
it was like finding
grapes in a barren desert
or tender young figs.
Then you worshiped Baal Peor,
that disgusting idol,
and you became as disgusting
as the idol you loved.
11And so, Israel, your glory
will fly away like birds--
your women will no longer
be able to give birth.
12Even if you do have children,
I will take them all
and leave you to mourn.
I will turn away,
and you will sink down
in deep trouble.
13Israel, when I first met you,
I thought of you as palm trees
growing in fertile ground. y] Now you lead your people out,
only to be slaughtered.
Hosea's Advice
14Our LORD, do just one thing for your people--
make their women unable
to have children
or to nurse their babies.
make their women unable
to have children
or to nurse their babies.
The LORD's Judgment on Israel
15Israel, I first began to hate you
you did evil at Gilgal. z] Now I will chase you
out of my house.
No longer will I love you;
your leaders betrayed me.
16Israel, you are a vine
with dried-up roots
and fruitless branches.
Even if you had more children
and loved them dearly,
I would slaughter them all.
you did evil at Gilgal. z] Now I will chase you
out of my house.
No longer will I love you;
your leaders betrayed me.
16Israel, you are a vine
with dried-up roots
and fruitless branches.
Even if you had more children
and loved them dearly,
I would slaughter them all.
Hosea Warns Israel
17Israel, you disobeyed my God. Now he will force you to roam
from nation to nation.
Footnotes:- Hosea 6:5 That's why my. . . sun: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Hosea 6:7 At. . . you: Or " Like Adam, you" or " Each one of you."
- Hosea 6:8 your hands. . . victims: This may refer to child sacrifice.
- Hosea 6:9 You. . . ambush: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Hosea 6:9 Shechem: This was one of the towns where people could run for safety, if they had accidentally killed someone (see Joshua 20.1-9).
- Hosea 7:1 Israel: See the note at 4.17. Samaria was the capital city of Israel.
- Hosea 7:5 foolishness: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 5.
- Hosea 7:8 Israel: Hebrew " Ephraim" (see the note at 4.17).
- Hosea 7:11 Israel: Hebrew " Ephraim" (see the note at 4.17).
- Hosea 7:12 I threatened. . . will: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Hosea 7:14 slashed themselves: One ancient translation and some Hebrew manuscripts; other Hebrew manuscripts " gather together." Slashing themselves was one way of worshiping Baal (see 1 Kings 18.28).
- Hosea 7:16 and. . . obey: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Hosea 8:3 our good agreement: Or " me, the Good One" (referring to God).
- Hosea 8:6 smashed to pieces: Or " destroyed by fire."
- Hosea 8:13 sacrifice. . . sacrificial meals: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text. Two kinds of sacrifices are referred to: Those in which the whole animal is burned on the altar (" whole burnt offerings" in traditional translations) and those in which part is eaten by the worshipers (" fellowship offerings" in traditional translations).
- Hosea 8:13 return to Egypt: Either as slaves or to find help against Assyria.
- Hosea 8:14 built palaces. . . cities: They did this because they no longer trusted the LORD to protect them. " Palaces" may also mean " temples."
- Hosea 9:1 or. . . shouts: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Hosea 9:1 Wherever. . . receive: Grain was threshed on hills or other places where the wind could blow away the husks. People also met at these places to worship Baal, the god they thought had given them the grain harvest.
- Hosea 9:5 festival of the LORD: Probably the Festival of Shelters.
- Hosea 9:6 Memphis: An Egyptian city with a famous cemetery.
- Hosea 9:6 Your silver. . . weeds: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Hosea 9:8 Israel. . . you: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Hosea 9:9 the men of Gibeah: They raped and murdered a woman (see Judges 19).
- Hosea 9:13 Israel, when. . . ground: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Hosea 9:15 Gilgal: See 4.15.
from nation to nation.
- Hosea 6:5 That's why my. . . sun: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Hosea 6:7 At. . . you: Or " Like Adam, you" or " Each one of you."
- Hosea 6:8 your hands. . . victims: This may refer to child sacrifice.
- Hosea 6:9 You. . . ambush: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Hosea 6:9 Shechem: This was one of the towns where people could run for safety, if they had accidentally killed someone (see Joshua 20.1-9).
- Hosea 7:1 Israel: See the note at 4.17. Samaria was the capital city of Israel.
- Hosea 7:5 foolishness: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 5.
- Hosea 7:8 Israel: Hebrew " Ephraim" (see the note at 4.17).
- Hosea 7:11 Israel: Hebrew " Ephraim" (see the note at 4.17).
- Hosea 7:12 I threatened. . . will: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Hosea 7:14 slashed themselves: One ancient translation and some Hebrew manuscripts; other Hebrew manuscripts " gather together." Slashing themselves was one way of worshiping Baal (see 1 Kings 18.28).
- Hosea 7:16 and. . . obey: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Hosea 8:3 our good agreement: Or " me, the Good One" (referring to God).
- Hosea 8:6 smashed to pieces: Or " destroyed by fire."
- Hosea 8:13 sacrifice. . . sacrificial meals: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text. Two kinds of sacrifices are referred to: Those in which the whole animal is burned on the altar (" whole burnt offerings" in traditional translations) and those in which part is eaten by the worshipers (" fellowship offerings" in traditional translations).
- Hosea 8:13 return to Egypt: Either as slaves or to find help against Assyria.
- Hosea 8:14 built palaces. . . cities: They did this because they no longer trusted the LORD to protect them. " Palaces" may also mean " temples."
- Hosea 9:1 or. . . shouts: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Hosea 9:1 Wherever. . . receive: Grain was threshed on hills or other places where the wind could blow away the husks. People also met at these places to worship Baal, the god they thought had given them the grain harvest.
- Hosea 9:5 festival of the LORD: Probably the Festival of Shelters.
- Hosea 9:6 Memphis: An Egyptian city with a famous cemetery.
- Hosea 9:6 Your silver. . . weeds: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Hosea 9:8 Israel. . . you: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Hosea 9:9 the men of Gibeah: They raped and murdered a woman (see Judges 19).
- Hosea 9:13 Israel, when. . . ground: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Hosea 9:15 Gilgal: See 4.15.
3 John 1-14 (Contemporary English Version)
3 John 1
Working Together
5Dear friend, you have always been faithful in helping other followers of the Lord, even the ones you didn't know before. 6They have told the church about your love. They say you were good enough to welcome them and to send them on their mission in a way that God's servants deserve. 7When they left to tell others about the Lord, they decided not to accept help from anyone who wasn't a follower. 8We must support people like them, so that we can take part in what they are doing to spread the truth. 9I wrote to the church. But Diotrephes likes to be the number-one leader, and he won't pay any attention to us. 10So if I come, I will remind him of how he has been attacking us with gossip. Not only has he been doing this, but he refuses to welcome any of the Lord's followers who come by. And when other church members want to welcome them, he puts them out of the church.11Dear friend, don't copy the evil deeds of others! Follow the example of people who do kind deeds. They are God's children, but those who are always doing evil have never seen God.
12Everyone speaks well of Demetrius, and so does the true message that he teaches. I also speak well of him, and you know what I say is true.
Final Greetings
13I have much more to say to you, but I don't want to write it with pen and ink. 14I hope to see you soon, and then we can talk in person. 15I pray that God will bless you with peace!Your friends send their greetings. Please give a personal greeting to each of our friends.
- 3 John 1:1 church leader: Or "elder" or "presbyter" or "priest."
- 3 John 1:4 children: Probably persons that the leader had led to be followers of the Lord.
Psalm 126:1-6 (Contemporary English Version)
Psalm 126
(A song for worship.)
Celebrating the Harvest
1It seemed like a dream when the LORD brought us back
to the city of Zion. a] 2We celebrated with laughter
and joyful songs.
In foreign nations it was said,
"The LORD has worked miracles
for his people."
3And so we celebrated
because the LORD had indeed
worked miracles for us.
4Our LORD, we ask you to bless
our people again,
and let us be like streams
in the Southern Desert.
5We cried as we went out
to plant our seeds.
Now let us celebrate
as we bring in the crops.
6We cried on the way
to plant our seeds,
but we will celebrate and shout
as we bring in the crops.
Footnotes:- Psalm 126:1 brought. . . Zion: Or " made the city of Zion prosperous again."
to the city of Zion. a] 2We celebrated with laughter
and joyful songs.
In foreign nations it was said,
"The LORD has worked miracles
for his people."
3And so we celebrated
because the LORD had indeed
worked miracles for us.
4Our LORD, we ask you to bless
our people again,
and let us be like streams
in the Southern Desert.
5We cried as we went out
to plant our seeds.
Now let us celebrate
as we bring in the crops.
6We cried on the way
to plant our seeds,
but we will celebrate and shout
as we bring in the crops.
- Psalm 126:1 brought. . . Zion: Or " made the city of Zion prosperous again."
Proverbs 29:12-14 (Contemporary English Version)
12A ruler who listens to lies
will have corrupt officials.
13The poor and all who abuse them
must each depend on God
for light.
14Kings who are fair to the poor
will rule forever.
will have corrupt officials.
13The poor and all who abuse them
must each depend on God
for light.
14Kings who are fair to the poor
will rule forever.

Thought for the Day
“Jesus then said, 'I am the one who raises the dead to life! Everyone who has faith in me will live, even if they die.'” (John 11:25 - Contemporary English Version) Through Jesus Christ, we have eternal life. And when we make the decision to trust that he's the one he claimed to be, we can experience some of that eternal life right now.
Quote for the Day
“Jesus then said, 'I am the one who raises the dead to life! Everyone who has faith in me will live, even if they die.'” (John 11:25 - Contemporary English Version) Through Jesus Christ, we have eternal life. And when we make the decision to trust that he's the one he claimed to be, we can experience some of that eternal life right now.
American politician and attorney, Bob Dole wrote, “Something is wrong with America. I wonder sometimes what people are thinking about or if they're thinking at all.”
Victim (after burglary): They stole everything from my house but the soap and towels.
Policeman: Why, those dirty crooks!
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