Wednesday, February 22, 2023

We want you to be a Small Group Leader!

We want you to be a Small Group Leader! - Have you ever considered being part of one of the coolest groups at Youth or Middle School Conference? Small Group Leaders (SLGs) are a very special group of volunteers that help make one of the most important aspects of these conferences possible. That might make things seem a little bit intimidating, but we want you to rest assured that this opportunity is not only a lot easier than it looks, it is also a rewarding, life-giving experience. Keep reading to see how easy it is to get involved and to find out how you can make a difference!
Apply now!
"I couldn't possibly lead a group of teenagers! I don't know enough." - You don’t have to be young, cool, or steeped in biblical knowledge to make an impact in a young person’s life. All you need to do is embrace our calling as Christians to nurture our young people and provide them with a space where they can know how deeply they are loved by God. In preparation for your time of service, all SGLs will participate in multiple training sessions (two on Zoom and one after you arrive for the conference). You can even watch recordings of the training sessions later if the Zoom meetings don’t fit in with your schedule. Once you are here, we will host daily devotionals and check ins where we can offer support and guidance. Additionally, each session you will lead is planned out and clearly defined in our Small Group Leader’s manual. If you’re feeling nervous, just play it by the book!
"But doesn't it require a huge time commitment?" - You might remember a time when SGLs were required to volunteer for two consecutive weeks of Youth Conference - that made it pretty hard to volunteer if you were bringing a group, had children, or worked a full-time job. Now, we only ask that you volunteer for one week. (But you can opt-in for a second week if you want!) SGLs also arrive on Sunday afternoon instead of coming in earlier, which makes those logistical challenges easier to navigate. During the week, you will lead four roughly one hour sessions each day, leaving you with time to explore Montreat or spend with your Back Home Group once you are finished.
“I’ve heard there are some special perks. Can you tell me about that?” - We understand that Small Group Leaders give a lot! In appreciation for all that you do while you are here, Montreat covers all housing, meals, and travel expenses for SGLs.* Additionally, we will cover the costs for your dependent children to attend Clubs or Childcare programs.** *If staying in MCC housing. If staying in private housing, a per diem will be provided.  **MCC housing and meals are available for dependent family members at a discounted rate. Travel expenses for family members are not covered.
Think you might be interested? Submit your application today! The priority deadline for applications is March 10, 2023.
Apply to be an SGL
Have additional questions? Contact our Youth Conference Administrator, Cheryl Payne!
Email Cheryl

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