Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Montreat Conference Center - Explore Celtic wisdom with John Philip Newell!

Earth & Soul: Sacred Earth Sacred Soul - Celtic Wisdom 3. October 23-25, 2024 at Montreat Conference Center.
Reawaken to the sacredness of human imagination: Next month, Montreat Conference Center will welcome Celtic teacher John Philip Newell, along with his colleague Cami Twilling, for the third installment of our Earth & Soul Retreat, "Sacred Earth Sacred Soul - Celtic Wisdom 3." In this final part of a three-part series, attendees will delve into the sacredness of imagination and compassion. This year’s retreat will focus on exploring human creativity and prophetic vision, drawing specifically on the teachings of Alexander John Scott, George MacLeod, and Kenneth White.  Although this is the third part of a three-year cycle, participants are welcome to join at any point in the series and continue attending future sessions at any Earth & Soul location.
Learn more on our website.
Teachings and Spiritual Practices: During the Earth & Soul Retreat, participants will engage in spiritual practices related to Celtic wisdom, which emphasizes the sacredness of the earth and our connection to creation. While here, you will engage in guided meditations, prayers from the Celtic tradition, periods of silence, and reflective time in nature as you focus on inner healing and peace.
Also Featuring Cami Twilling: Cami Twilling, director of Earth & Soul, will join John Philip in leading the retreat. As well as heading up the overall work of Earth & Soul, Cami facilitates the spiritual practice component of the school. She believes that spiritual vision and practice can play a vital role in helping to heal and transform our lives both individually and together.
The Great Search Book Launch Event: Montreat is also excited to celebrate the release of John Philip Newell’s latest book, The Great Search, during the retreat. This book release event will include wine, music and song, readings from the book by John Philip, as well as the opportunity to have copies of the book signed. Admission is included with your registration fee, or you can purchase tickets individually.
Sign up to attend an event today! Spaces still remain for both the Earth & Soul Retreat and The Great Search: A Book Launch Celebration. You can learn more about each of these events or purchase tickets on our website.
Register for the Earth & Soul Retreat.
Reserve tickets for The Great Search.
Montreat Conference Center gathers people to experience God's transforming power and inspire love for the world.
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