A group of academic experts and global religious leaders from 17 countries who specialize in theology, history, archaeology, and anthropology related to Christian Zionism participated in the conference. Additionally, the heads of churches from Jerusalem and Jordan participated. His Royal Highness Prince Ghazi bin Muhammed launched the conference by hosting the participants for a tour in the Baptism Pilgrimage Trail. The tour highlighted the importance of the site to Christianity and the role of His Majesty King Abdullah II in safeguarding Christian sites and society in the Holy Land. In the opening session, His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos made it very clear that Christian Zionism’s legitimization of genocide and its endorsement of occupation and violence is not part of the true Christianity: Jesus never calls for violence. Discussions focused on historically comprehending Christian Zionism; Christian Zionism, settler archaeology, and the threat to Jerusalem; emerging scholarship on Christian Zionism, and many other topics. The consultation brought together for the first time many prominent scholars who have significantly contributed to this topic in a comprehensive international setting. Centering on an under-researched theme, the gathering was organized under the auspices of local churches, emphasizing the importance of listening to Middle Eastern Christians rather than merely discussing them. In addition to scholars and church leaders, social media and journalism influencers in the field of religion joined the conference to broaden awareness. The consultation adopted a “de-colonial approach,” highlighting how Christian Zionism provides the ideological framework, that is the software, facilitating the settler colonization of Palestinian land. The conference aimed to compile and publish an unprecedented global anthology on Christian Zionism. It concluded by outlining concrete recommendations of future strategies and actions. |