Let's read the Bible together in the next year. Today our passages are Genesis 23:1–24:51; Matthew 8:1-17; Psalm 9:13-20; and Proverbs 3:1-6. The readings are the Contemporary English Version.
Genesis 23-24:51 (Contemporary English Version)
Genesis 23
Sarah's Death and Burial
1-2When Sarah was one hundred twenty-seven years old, she died in Kiriath-Arba, better known as Hebron, in the land of Canaan. After Abraham had mourned for her, 3he went to the Hittites and said, 4"I live as a foreigner in your land, and I don't own any property where I can bury my wife. Please let me buy a piece of land." 5-6"Sir," they answered, "you are an important man. Choose the best place to bury your wife. None of us would refuse you a resting place for your dead."
7Abraham bowed down 8and replied, "If you are willing to let me bury my wife here, please ask Zohar's son Ephron 9to sell me Machpelah Cave at the end of his field. I'll pay what it's worth, and all of you can be witnesses."
10Ephron was sitting there near the city gate, when Abraham made this request, and he answered, 11"Sir, the whole field, including the cave, is yours. With my own people as witnesses, I freely give it to you as a burial place for your dead."
12Once again, Abraham bowed down 13and said to Ephron, "In front of these witnesses, I offer you the full price, so I can bury my wife. Please accept my offer."
14-15"But sir," the man replied, "the property is worth only four hundred pieces of silver. Why should we haggle over such a small amount? Take the land. It's yours."
16-18Abraham accepted Ephron's offer and paid him the four hundred pieces of silver in front of everyone at the city gate. That's how Abraham got Ephron's property east of Hebron, a<="" value="[a]" >[] which included the field with all of its trees, as well as Machpelah Cave at the end of the field. 19So Abraham buried his wife Sarah in Machpelah Cave that was in the field 20he had bought from the Hittites.
7Abraham bowed down 8and replied, "If you are willing to let me bury my wife here, please ask Zohar's son Ephron 9to sell me Machpelah Cave at the end of his field. I'll pay what it's worth, and all of you can be witnesses."
10Ephron was sitting there near the city gate, when Abraham made this request, and he answered, 11"Sir, the whole field, including the cave, is yours. With my own people as witnesses, I freely give it to you as a burial place for your dead."
12Once again, Abraham bowed down 13and said to Ephron, "In front of these witnesses, I offer you the full price, so I can bury my wife. Please accept my offer."
14-15"But sir," the man replied, "the property is worth only four hundred pieces of silver. Why should we haggle over such a small amount? Take the land. It's yours."
16-18Abraham accepted Ephron's offer and paid him the four hundred pieces of silver in front of everyone at the city gate. That's how Abraham got Ephron's property east of Hebron, a<="" value="[a]" >[] which included the field with all of its trees, as well as Machpelah Cave at the end of the field. 19So Abraham buried his wife Sarah in Machpelah Cave that was in the field 20he had bought from the Hittites.
Genesis 24
A Wife for Isaac
1Abraham was now a very old man. The LORD had made him rich, and he was successful in everything he did. 2One day, Abraham called in his most trusted servant and said to him, "Solemnly promise me 3in the name of the LORD, who rules heaven and earth, that you won't choose a wife for my son Isaac from the people here in the land of Canaan. 4Instead, go back to the land where I was born and find a wife for him from among my relatives." 5But the servant asked, "What if the young woman I choose refuses to leave home and come here with me? Should I send Isaac there to look for a wife?"
6"No!" Abraham answered. "Don't ever do that, no matter what. 7The LORD who rules heaven brought me here from the land where I was born and promised that he would give this land to my descendants forever. When you go back there, the LORD will send his angel ahead of you to help you find a wife for my son. 8If the woman refuses to come along, you don't have to keep this promise. But don't ever take my son back there." 9So the servant gave Abraham his word that he would do everything he had been told to do.
10Soon after that, the servant loaded ten of Abraham's camels with valuable gifts. Then he set out for the city in northern Syria, [b<="">] where Abraham's brother Nahor lived. 11When he got there, he let the camels rest near the well outside the city. It was late afternoon, the time when the women came out for water. 12The servant prayed:
You, LORD, are the God my master Abraham worships. Please keep your promise to him and let me find a wife for Isaac today. 13The young women of the city will soon come to this well for water, 14and I'll ask one of them for a drink. If she gives me a drink and then offers to get some water for my camels, I'll know she is the one you have chosen and that you have kept your promise to my master.
15-16While he was still praying, a beautiful unmarried young woman came by with a water jar on her shoulder. She was Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Abraham's brother Nahor and his wife Milcah. Rebekah walked past Abraham's servant, then went over to the well, and filled her water jar. When she started back, 17Abraham's servant ran to her and said, "Please let me have a drink of water."
18"I'll be glad to," she answered. Then she quickly took the jar from her shoulder and held it while he drank. 19-20After he had finished, she said, "Now I'll give your camels all the water they want." She quickly poured out water for them, and she kept going back for more, until his camels had drunk all they wanted. 21Abraham's servant did not say a word, but he watched everything Rebekah did, because he wanted to know for certain if this was the woman the LORD had chosen.
22The servant had brought along an expensive gold ring and two large gold bracelets. When Rebekah had finished bringing the water, he gave her the ring for her nose [c<="">] and the bracelets for her arms. 23Then he said, "Please tell me who your father is. Does he have room in his house for me and my men to spend the night?" 24She answered, "My father is Bethuel, the son of Nahor and Milcah. 25We have a place where you and your men can stay, and we also have enough straw and feed for your camels."
26Then the servant bowed his head and prayed, 27"I thank you, LORD God of my master Abraham! You have led me to his relatives and kept your promise to him."
28Rebekah ran straight home and told her family everything. 29-30Her brother Laban heard her tell what the servant had said, and he saw the ring and the bracelets she was wearing. So Laban ran out to Abraham's servant, who was standing by his camels at the well. 31Then Laban said, "The LORD has brought you safely here. Come home with me. There's no need for you to keep on standing outside. I have a room ready for you in our house, and there's also a place for your camels."
32Abraham's servant went home with Laban, where Laban's servants unloaded his camels and gave them straw and feed. Then they brought water into the house, so Abraham's servant and his men could wash their feet. 33After that, they brought in food. But the servant said, "Before I eat, I must tell you why I have come."
"Go ahead and tell us," Laban answered.
34The servant explained:
I am Abraham's servant. 35The LORD has been good to my master and has made him very rich. He has given him many sheep, goats, cattle, camels, and donkeys, as well as a lot of silver and gold, and many slaves. 36Sarah, my master's wife, didn't have any children until she was very old. Then she had a son, and my master has given him everything. 37I solemnly promised my master that I would do what he said. And he told me, "Don't choose a wife for my son from the women in this land of Canaan. 38Instead, go back to the land where I was born and find a wife for my son from among my relatives."
39I asked my master, "What if the young woman refuses to come with me?"
40My master answered, "I have always obeyed the LORD, and he will send his angel to help you find my son a wife from among my own relatives. 41But if they refuse to let her come back with you, then you are freed from your promise."
42When I came to the well today, I silently prayed, "You, LORD, are the God my master Abraham worships, so please lead me to a wife for his son 43while I am here at the well. When a young woman comes out to get water, I'll ask her to give me a drink. 44If she gives me a drink and offers to get some water for my camels, I'll know she is the one you have chosen."
45Even before I had finished praying, Rebekah came by with a water jar on her shoulder. When she had filled the jar, I asked her for a drink. 46She quickly lowered the jar from her shoulder and said, "Have a drink. Then I'll get water for your camels." So I drank, and after that she got some water for my camels. 47I asked her who her father was, and she answered, "My father is Bethuel the son of Nahor and Milcah." Right away I put the ring in her nose and the bracelets on her arms. 48Then I bowed my head and gave thanks to the God my master Abraham worships. The LORD had led me straight to my master's relatives, and I had found a wife for his son.
49Now please tell me if you are willing to do the right thing for my master. Will you treat him fairly, or do I have to look for another young woman?
50Laban and Bethuel answered, "The LORD has done this. We have no choice in the matter. 51Take Rebekah with you; she can marry your master's son, just as the LORD has said." Footnotes:- Genesis 23:16 Hebron: The Hebrew text has "Mamre," a place just north of Hebron.
- Genesis 24:10 northern Syria: The Hebrew text has "Aram-Naharaim," probably referring to the land around the city of Haran (see also "Paddan-Aram" in 25.20; 28.2,6; 31.18,20; 33.18; 35.23-26; 46.8-15; and "Paddan" in 48.7).
- Genesis 24:22 ring for her nose: Nose-rings were popular jewelry items, as were earrings.
6"No!" Abraham answered. "Don't ever do that, no matter what. 7The LORD who rules heaven brought me here from the land where I was born and promised that he would give this land to my descendants forever. When you go back there, the LORD will send his angel ahead of you to help you find a wife for my son. 8If the woman refuses to come along, you don't have to keep this promise. But don't ever take my son back there." 9So the servant gave Abraham his word that he would do everything he had been told to do.
10Soon after that, the servant loaded ten of Abraham's camels with valuable gifts. Then he set out for the city in northern Syria, [b<="">] where Abraham's brother Nahor lived. 11When he got there, he let the camels rest near the well outside the city. It was late afternoon, the time when the women came out for water. 12The servant prayed:
You, LORD, are the God my master Abraham worships. Please keep your promise to him and let me find a wife for Isaac today. 13The young women of the city will soon come to this well for water, 14and I'll ask one of them for a drink. If she gives me a drink and then offers to get some water for my camels, I'll know she is the one you have chosen and that you have kept your promise to my master.
15-16While he was still praying, a beautiful unmarried young woman came by with a water jar on her shoulder. She was Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Abraham's brother Nahor and his wife Milcah. Rebekah walked past Abraham's servant, then went over to the well, and filled her water jar. When she started back, 17Abraham's servant ran to her and said, "Please let me have a drink of water."
18"I'll be glad to," she answered. Then she quickly took the jar from her shoulder and held it while he drank. 19-20After he had finished, she said, "Now I'll give your camels all the water they want." She quickly poured out water for them, and she kept going back for more, until his camels had drunk all they wanted. 21Abraham's servant did not say a word, but he watched everything Rebekah did, because he wanted to know for certain if this was the woman the LORD had chosen.
22The servant had brought along an expensive gold ring and two large gold bracelets. When Rebekah had finished bringing the water, he gave her the ring for her nose [c<="">] and the bracelets for her arms. 23Then he said, "Please tell me who your father is. Does he have room in his house for me and my men to spend the night?" 24She answered, "My father is Bethuel, the son of Nahor and Milcah. 25We have a place where you and your men can stay, and we also have enough straw and feed for your camels."
26Then the servant bowed his head and prayed, 27"I thank you, LORD God of my master Abraham! You have led me to his relatives and kept your promise to him."
28Rebekah ran straight home and told her family everything. 29-30Her brother Laban heard her tell what the servant had said, and he saw the ring and the bracelets she was wearing. So Laban ran out to Abraham's servant, who was standing by his camels at the well. 31Then Laban said, "The LORD has brought you safely here. Come home with me. There's no need for you to keep on standing outside. I have a room ready for you in our house, and there's also a place for your camels."
32Abraham's servant went home with Laban, where Laban's servants unloaded his camels and gave them straw and feed. Then they brought water into the house, so Abraham's servant and his men could wash their feet. 33After that, they brought in food. But the servant said, "Before I eat, I must tell you why I have come."
"Go ahead and tell us," Laban answered.
34The servant explained:
I am Abraham's servant. 35The LORD has been good to my master and has made him very rich. He has given him many sheep, goats, cattle, camels, and donkeys, as well as a lot of silver and gold, and many slaves. 36Sarah, my master's wife, didn't have any children until she was very old. Then she had a son, and my master has given him everything. 37I solemnly promised my master that I would do what he said. And he told me, "Don't choose a wife for my son from the women in this land of Canaan. 38Instead, go back to the land where I was born and find a wife for my son from among my relatives."
39I asked my master, "What if the young woman refuses to come with me?"
40My master answered, "I have always obeyed the LORD, and he will send his angel to help you find my son a wife from among my own relatives. 41But if they refuse to let her come back with you, then you are freed from your promise."
42When I came to the well today, I silently prayed, "You, LORD, are the God my master Abraham worships, so please lead me to a wife for his son 43while I am here at the well. When a young woman comes out to get water, I'll ask her to give me a drink. 44If she gives me a drink and offers to get some water for my camels, I'll know she is the one you have chosen."
45Even before I had finished praying, Rebekah came by with a water jar on her shoulder. When she had filled the jar, I asked her for a drink. 46She quickly lowered the jar from her shoulder and said, "Have a drink. Then I'll get water for your camels." So I drank, and after that she got some water for my camels. 47I asked her who her father was, and she answered, "My father is Bethuel the son of Nahor and Milcah." Right away I put the ring in her nose and the bracelets on her arms. 48Then I bowed my head and gave thanks to the God my master Abraham worships. The LORD had led me straight to my master's relatives, and I had found a wife for his son.
49Now please tell me if you are willing to do the right thing for my master. Will you treat him fairly, or do I have to look for another young woman?
50Laban and Bethuel answered, "The LORD has done this. We have no choice in the matter. 51Take Rebekah with you; she can marry your master's son, just as the LORD has said."
- Genesis 23:16 Hebron: The Hebrew text has "Mamre," a place just north of Hebron.
- Genesis 24:10 northern Syria: The Hebrew text has "Aram-Naharaim," probably referring to the land around the city of Haran (see also "Paddan-Aram" in 25.20; 28.2,6; 31.18,20; 33.18; 35.23-26; 46.8-15; and "Paddan" in 48.7).
- Genesis 24:22 ring for her nose: Nose-rings were popular jewelry items, as were earrings.
Matthew 8:1-17 (Contemporary English Version)
Matthew 8
Jesus Heals a Man
(Mark 1.40-45; Luke 5.12-16)
1As Jesus came down the mountain, he was followed by large crowds. 2Suddenly a man with leprosy a<="" value="[a]" >[]came and knelt in front of Jesus. He said, "Lord, you have the power to make me well, if only you wanted to." 3Jesus put his hand on the man and said, "I want to! Now you are well." At once the man's leprosy disappeared. 4Jesus told him, "Don't tell anyone about this, but go and show the priest that you are well. Then take a gift to the temple just as Moses commanded, and everyone will know that you have been healed." [b<="">]Jesus Heals an Army Officer's Servant
(Luke 7.1-10; John 4.43-54)
5When Jesus was going into the town of Capernaum, an army officer came up to him and said, 6"Lord, my servant is at home in such terrible pain that he can't even move." 7"I will go and heal him," Jesus replied.8But the officer said, "Lord, I'm not good enough for you to come into my house. Just give the order, and my servant will get well. 9I have officers who give orders to me, and I have soldiers who take orders from me. I can say to one of them, `Go!' and he goes. I can say to another, `Come!' and he comes. I can say to my servant, `Do this!' and he will do it."
10When Jesus heard this, he was so surprised that he turned and said to the crowd following him, "I tell you that in all of Israel I've never found anyone with this much faith! 11Many people will come from everywhere to enjoy the feast in the kingdom of heaven with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 12But the ones who should have been in the kingdom will be thrown out into the dark. They will cry and grit their teeth in pain."
13Then Jesus said to the officer, "You may go home now. Your faith has made it happen."
Right then his servant was healed.
Jesus Heals Many People
(Mark 1.29-34; Luke 4.38-41)
14Jesus went to the home of Peter, where he found that Peter's mother-in-law was sick in bed with fever. 15He took her by the hand, and the fever left her. Then she got up and served Jesus a meal. 16That evening many people with demons in them were brought to Jesus. And with only a word he forced out the evil spirits and healed everyone who was sick. 17So God's promise came true, just as the prophet Isaiah had said,"He healed our diseases
and made us well."
- Matthew 8:2 leprosy: In biblical times the word "leprosy" was used for many different kinds of skin diseases.
- Matthew 8:4 everyone will know that you have been healed: People with leprosy had to be examined by a priest and told that they were well (that is "clean") before they could once again live a normal life in the Jewish community. The gift that Moses commanded was the sacrifice of some lambs together with flour mixed with olive oil.
Psalm 9:13-20 (Contemporary English Version)
13Please have mercy, LORD!
My enemies mistreat me.
Keep me from the gates
that lead to death,
14and I will sing about you
at the gate to Zion.
I will be happy there
because you rescued me.
15Our LORD, the nations fell
into their own pits,
and their feet were caught
in their own traps.
16You showed what you are like,
and you made certain
that justice is done,
but evil people are trapped
by their own evil deeds.
17The wicked will go down
to the world of the dead
to be with those nations
that forgot about you.
18The poor and the homeless
won't always be forgotten
and without hope.
19Do something, LORD!
Don't let the nations win.
Make them stand trial
in your court of law.
20Make the nations afraid
and let them all discover
just how weak they are.
My enemies mistreat me.
Keep me from the gates
that lead to death,
14and I will sing about you
at the gate to Zion.
I will be happy there
because you rescued me.
15Our LORD, the nations fell
into their own pits,
and their feet were caught
in their own traps.
16You showed what you are like,
and you made certain
that justice is done,
but evil people are trapped
by their own evil deeds.
17The wicked will go down
to the world of the dead
to be with those nations
that forgot about you.
18The poor and the homeless
won't always be forgotten
and without hope.
19Do something, LORD!
Don't let the nations win.
Make them stand trial
in your court of law.
20Make the nations afraid
and let them all discover
just how weak they are.

Proverbs 3:1-6 (Contemporary English Version)
Proverbs 3
Trust God
1My child, remember my teachings and instructions
and obey them completely.
2They will help you live
a long and prosperous life.
3Let love and loyalty
always show like a necklace,
and write them in your mind.
4God and people will like you
and consider you a success.
5With all your heart
you must trust the LORD
and not your own judgment.
6Always let him lead you,
and he will clear the road
for you to follow.
and obey them completely.
2They will help you live
a long and prosperous life.
3Let love and loyalty
always show like a necklace,
and write them in your mind.
4God and people will like you
and consider you a success.
5With all your heart
you must trust the LORD
and not your own judgment.
6Always let him lead you,
and he will clear the road
for you to follow.
Thought for the Day
“Always live as God's holy people should, because God is the one who chose you, and he is holy. That's why the Scriptures say, "I am the holy God, and you must be holy too.” (1 Peter 1:15-16 - Contemporary English Version) Most of us know the difference between right and wrong. And as Christians, we know how God expects us to live. It's time for us to put aside our pride and our politics and to become righteous and godly.
American agricultural scientist and inventor who promoted alternative crops to cotton and methods to prevent soil depletion, George Washington Carver wrote, “Where there is no vision, there is no hope.”
That we condemn racism in all of its forms.
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