Friday, September 15, 2023

John Philip Newell is returning to Montreat!

Learn to embrace the sacred in every living thing. In 2016, acclaimed author John Philip Newell began a teaching initiative called The School of Earth & Soul. Its purpose is to reawaken participants to the sacredness in all living things through the study of Celtic wisdom. Today, the school hosts annual trips and retreats in various locations across the globe. This fall at Montreat, John Philip will lead Celtic Wisdom 2: Sacred Earth, during which participants will focus on reawakening to the sacredness of Earth through the teachings of Eriugena, the Carmina Gadelica, and John Muir. This is the second part of a three-year teaching cycle. Participants may join at any stage in the three-year cycle and attend at any Earth & Soul venue.
Learn more on our website
What exactly can I expect? - Prayer and Meditation - Each day the conference will begin and end with meditative prayer and chant. Our hope is that this practice will help aid in personal reflection of the day’s studies.
Ancient Wisdom - John Philip’s teachings draw on his study of ancient Celtic scholars and the wisdom their historical practices held. Learn how you can apply this same ancient wisdom to navigate today’s modern challenges.
Thresholds of Hope - A new, experiential weekend retreat taking place on Oct. 20-22, this event is focused on the House Gatherings model and allows for more personal instruction from John Philip Newell.
Reserve your spot - Sign up for one or both of these opportunities and expand your knowledge and spiritual understanding of the earth.
Register for Celtic Wisdom 2
Register for Thresholds of Hope
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