BOOK OF THE MONTH Meaning in the Moment: How Rituals Help Us Move Through Joy, Pain, and Everything in Between Amy F. Davis Abdallah Brazos Press, 224 pages Published September 26, 2023
While pastoring with children, I loved to witness how the Advent season drew out their innate sense of wonder, making them eager to light candles, experience silence and “try on” new rituals in church and at home. It’s a perfect time to pick up Meaning in the Moment, professor Amy Davis Abdallah’s exploration of how rituals nurture our souls, deepening relationships with God and one another. Davis Abdallah beautifully explores natural life cycles, suggesting words and practices that speak to each season. I loved her discussion of beginnings, ends and middles — while rituals for commissioning or graduation are fairly intuitive, how do we create meaning in “liminal” times, such as COVID lockdowns or painful periods of infertility? Discussions of each situation are accompanied by meaningful words a small group could share, followed by numerous examples such as coming-of-age ceremonies, house blessings, letting go/taking on, and more. With so many creative rituals, I imagined ways to go deeper into existing “milestone” rituals (such as baptism or confirmation) and create new Christian rituals in church or at home.
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