Thursday, August 15, 2024

The PC(USA) Store - Taking Time to Tend to Your Spirit

We all know that nurturing our own spiritual well-being is not only essential for personal growth but also vital for our ability to effectively care for and support others on their paths to fulfillment and happiness. But still we so often neglect this care for our spiritual selves. These books can be reminders and guides on your journey. And even better, you save 40% through August 20th on these ten new and best-selling books!
Tending the Wild Garden
Growing in the Fruit of the Spirit
Eugenia Anne Gamble
$20.00 $12.00
Save 40% through 8/20/24
Tending the Wild Garden explores the true meaning behind each of the virtues that Paul writes about in Galatians 5, guiding us to discover anew what it means to be a deeply loved child of God indwelt by God’s Spirit.
Gamble helps us to move beyond the checklist mentality of traditional understandings of the fruit of the Spirit, to cultivate our relationship with God, and to uproot the "weeds" that could threaten the flourishing of the fruit in our lives. Key Features of this Bible study: ten chapters introduce the garden and explore each of the nine aspects of the fruit of the Spirit; six daily devotions in each chapter provide inspiration with daily Scripture, reflections, and spiritual practices; and questions for personal and group discussion allow for uses in a variety of settings.

Visit to download a sermon series guide and additional digital resources for use in worship and group study.
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