Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Bible Readings for March 18, 2025


Let's read the Bible together in the next year. Today our passages are Numbers 26:51 - 28:15; Luke 3:1-22; Psalm 61:1-8; and Proverbs 11:16-17. The readings are from the Contemporary English Version

Numbers 26:51-28:15 (Contemporary English Version)

51The total number of Israelite men listed was 601,730.
52The LORD said to Moses, 53" Divide the land of Canaan among these tribes, according to the number of people in each one, 54so the larger tribes have more land than the smaller ones. 55-56I will show you a<="" value="[a]" >[] what land to give each tribe, and they will receive as much land as they need, according to the number of people in it." 57The tribe of Levi included the clans of the Gershonites, Kohathites, Merarites, 58as well as the clans of Libni, Hebron, Mahli, Mushi, and Korah. Kohath the Levite was the father of Amram, 59the husband of Levi's daughter Jochebed, who was born in Egypt. Amram and Jochebed's three children were Aaron, Moses, and Miriam. 60Aaron was the father of Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. 61But Nadab and Abihu had died when they offered fire that was unacceptable to the LORD. [b<="">]62In the tribe of Levi there were 23,000 men and boys at least a month old. They were not listed with the other tribes, because they would not receive any land in Canaan.
63Moses and Eleazar counted the Israelites while they were camped in the hills of Moab across the Jordan River from Jericho. 64None of the people that Moses and Aaron had counted in the Sinai Desert were still alive, 65except Caleb son of Jephunneh and Joshua son of Nun. The LORD had said that everyone else would die there in the desert. [c<="">] 

Numbers 27

The Daughters of Zelophehad Are Given Land

1Zelophehad [d<="">] was from the Manasseh tribe, and he had five daughters, whose names were Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah. 2One day his daughters went to the sacred tent, where they met with Moses, Eleazar, and some other leaders of Israel, as well as a large crowd of Israelites. The young women said: 3You know that our father died in the desert. But it was for something he did wrong, not for joining with Korah in rebelling against the LORD.
Our father left no sons 4to carry on his family name. But why should his name die out for that reason? Give us some land like the rest of his relatives in our clan, so our father's name can live on.
5Moses asked the LORD what should be done, 6and the LORD answered:
7Zelophehad's daughters are right. They should each be given part of the land their father would have received.
8Tell the Israelites that when a man dies without a son, his daughter will inherit his land. 9If he has no daughter, his brothers will inherit the land. 10But if he has no brothers, his father's brothers will inherit the land. 11And if his father has no brothers, the land must be given to his nearest relative in the clan. This is my law, and the Israelites must obey it. 

Joshua Is Appointed Israel's Leader
(Deuteronomy 31.1-8)

12The LORD said to Moses, " One day you will go up into the Abarim Mountains, and from there you will see the land I am giving the Israelites. 13After you have seen it, you will die, [e<="">] just like your brother Aaron, 14because both of you disobeyed me at Meribah near the town of Kadesh in the Zin Desert. When the Israelites insulted me there, you didn't believe in my holy power." [f<="">]15Moses replied, 16" You are the LORD God, and you know what is in everyone's heart. So I ask you to appoint a leader for Israel. 17Your people need someone to lead them into battle, or else they will be like sheep wandering around without a shepherd." 18The LORD answered, " Joshua son of Nun can do the job. Place your hands on him to show that he is the one to take your place. 19Then go with him and have him stand in front of Eleazar the priest and the Israelites. Appoint Joshua as their new leader 20and tell them they must now obey him, just as they obey you. 21But Joshua must depend on Eleazar to find out from me [g<="">] what I want him to do as he leads Israel into battle." 22Moses followed the LORD's instructions and took Joshua to Eleazar and the people, 23then he placed his hands on Joshua and appointed him Israel's leader. 

Numbers 28

Regular Daily Sacrifices
(Exodus 29.38-43; Leviticus 6.8-13)

1The LORD told Moses 2to say to the people of Israel: Offer sacrifices to me at the appointed times of worship, so that I will smell the smoke and be pleased.
3Each day offer two rams a year old as sacrifices to please me. [h<="">] The animals must have nothing wrong with them; 4one will be sacrificed in the morning, and the other in the evening. 5Along with each of them, two pounds of your finest flour mixed with a quart of olive oil must be offered as a grain sacrifice. 6This sacrifice to please me was first offered on Mount Sinai. 7Finally, along with each of these two sacrifices, a quart of wine must be poured on the altar as a drink offering. 8The second ram will be sacrificed that evening, along with the other offerings, just like the one sacrificed that morning. The smell of the smoke from these sacrifices will please me. 

The Sacrifice on the Sabbath
The LORD said:

9-10On the Sabbath, in addition to the regular daily sacrifices, [i<="">] you must sacrifice two rams a year old to please me. [j<="">] These rams must have nothing wrong with them, and they will be sacrificed with a drink offering and four pounds of your finest flour mixed with olive oil.

The Sacrifices on the First Day of the Month
The LORD said:

11On the first day of each month, bring to the altar two bulls, one full-grown ram, and seven rams a year old that have nothing wrong with them. Then offer these as sacrifices to please me. [k<="">]12Six pounds of your finest flour mixed with olive oil must be offered with each bull as a grain sacrifice. Four pounds of flour mixed with oil must be offered with the ram, 13and two pounds of flour mixed with oil must be offered with each of the young rams. The smell of the smoke from these sacrifices will please me. 14-15Offer two quarts of wine as a drink offering with each bull, one and a half quarts with the ram, and one quart with each of the young rams. Finally, you must offer a goat [l<="">] as a sacrifice for sin. These sacrifices are to be offered on the first day of each month, in addition to the regular daily sacrifices. [m<="">] The LORD said: 
  1. Numbers 26:55I will show you: The Hebrew text has " Cast lots to find out." Pieces of wood or stone (called " lots" ) were used to find out what the LORD wanted his people to do.
  2. Numbers 26:61Nadab and Abihu. . . the LORD: See 3.1-4 and Leviticus 10.1,2.
  3. Numbers 26:65None of the people. . . the desert: See 14.26-30.
  4. Numbers 27:1Zelophehad: Hebrew " Zelophehad son of Hepher son of Gilead son of Machir son of Manasseh son of Joseph." See also 26.28-34; 36.1-12.
  5. Numbers 27:13One day. . . you will die: The story of Moses' death is in Deuteronomy 34.1-8.
  6. Numbers 27:14both of you. . . my holy power: See 20.1-13.
  7. Numbers 27:21from me: The Hebrew text has " by the urim," something used by the priests to get answers from the LORD.
  8. Numbers 28:3sacrifices to please me: See the note at 6.11.
  9. Numbers 28:9regular daily sacrifices: See 28.1-8.
  10. Numbers 28:9sacrifice. . . to please me: See the note at 6.11.
  11. Numbers 28:11sacrifice. . . to please me: See the note at 6.11.
  12. Numbers 28:14goat: See the note at 7.12-83.
  13. Numbers 28:14regular daily sacrifices: See 28.1-8.

Luke 3:1-22 (Contemporary English Version)

Luke 3

The Preaching of John the Baptist
(Matthew 3.1-12; Mark 1.1-8; John 1.19-28)

1For fifteen years a<="" value="[a]" >[] Emperor Tiberius had ruled that part of the world. Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, and Herod [b<="">] was the ruler of Galilee. Herod's brother, Philip, was the ruler in the countries of Iturea and Trachonitis, and Lysanias was the ruler of Abilene. 2Annas and Caiaphas were the Jewish high priests. [c<="">] At that time God spoke to Zechariah's son John, who was living in the desert. 3So John went along the Jordan Valley, telling the people, "Turn back to God and be baptized! Then your sins will be forgiven." 4Isaiah the prophet wrote about John when he said, "In the desert
someone is shouting,
`Get the road ready
for the Lord!
Make a straight path
for him.
5Fill up every valley
and level every mountain
and hill.
Straighten the crooked paths
and smooth out
the rough roads.
6Then everyone will see
the saving power of God.' "
7Crowds of people came out to be baptized, but John said to them, "You bunch of snakes! Who warned you to run from the coming judgment? 8Do something to show that you really have given up your sins. Don't start saying that you belong to Abraham's family. God can turn these stones into children for Abraham. [d<="">]9An ax is ready to cut the trees down at their roots. Any tree that doesn't produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into a fire." 10The crowds asked John, "What should we do?"
11John told them, "If you have two coats, give one to someone who doesn't have any. If you have food, share it with someone else."
12When tax collectors [e<="">] came to be baptized, they asked John, "Teacher, what should we do?" 13John told them, "Don't make people pay more than they owe."
14Some soldiers asked him, "And what about us? What do we have to do?"
John told them, "Don't force people to pay money to make you leave them alone. Be satisfied with your pay."
15Everyone became excited and wondered, "Could John be the Messiah?"
16John said, "I am just baptizing with water. But someone more powerful is going to come, and I am not good enough even to untie his sandals. [f<="">] He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. 17His threshing fork [g<="">] is in his hand, and he is ready to separate the wheat from the husks. He will store the wheat in his barn and burn the husks with a fire that never goes out." 18In many different ways John preached the good news to the people. 19But to Herod the ruler, he said, "It was wrong for you to take Herodias, your brother's wife." John also said that Herod had done many other bad things. 20Finally, Herod put John in jail, and this was the worst thing he had done. 

The Baptism of Jesus
(Matthew 3.13-17; Mark 1.9-11)

21While everyone else was being baptized, Jesus himself was baptized. Then as he prayed, the sky opened up, 22and the Holy Spirit came down upon him in the form of a dove. A voice from heaven said, "You are my own dear Son, and I am pleased with you." 
  1. Luke 3:1For fifteen years: This was either A.D. 28 or 29, and Jesus was about thirty years old (see 3.23).
  2. Luke 3:1Herod: Herod Antipas, the son of Herod the Great.
  3. Luke 3:2Annas and Caiaphas. . . high priests: Annas was high priest from A.D. 6 until 15. His son-in-law Caiaphas was high priest from A.D. 18 until 37.
  4. Luke 3:8children for Abraham: The Jewish people thought they were God's chosen people because of God's promises to their ancestor Abraham.
  5. Luke 3:12tax collectors: These were usually Jewish people who paid the Romans for the right to collect taxes. They were hated by other Jews who thought of them as traitors to their country and to their religion.
  6. Luke 3:16untie his sandals: This was the duty of a slave.
  7. Luke 3:17threshing fork: After Jewish farmers had trampled out the grain, they used a large fork to pitch the grain and the husks into the air. Wind would blow away the light husks, and the grain would fall back to the ground, where it could be gathered up.

Psalm 61:1-8 (Contemporary English Version)

Psalm 61

(A psalm by David for the music leader. Use with stringed instruments.)
Under the Protection of God

1Please listen, God, and answer my prayer!
2I feel hopeless,
and I cry out to you
from a faraway land.
Lead me to the mighty rock a<="" value="[a]" >[] high above me.
3You are a strong tower,
where I am safe
from my enemies.
4Let me live with you forever
and find protection
under your wings, my God.
5You heard my promises,
and you have blessed me,
just as you bless everyone
who worships you.
6Let the king have a long
and healthy life.
7May he always rule
with you, God, at his side;
may your love and loyalty
watch over him.
8I will sing your praises
and will always
keep my promises
  1. Psalm 61:2mighty rock: See the note at 18.2.

Proverbs 11:16-17 (Contemporary English Version)

16A gracious woman
will be respected,
but a man must work hard
to get rich. a<="" value="[a]" >[]17Kindness is rewarded--
but if you are cruel,
you hurt yourself.

  1. Proverbs 11:16but. . . rich: Or " a ruthless man will only get rich." 

Thought for the Day

“I pray that God, who gives hope, will bless you with complete happiness and peace because of your faith. And may the power of the Holy Spirit fill you with hope.” (Romans 15:13 - Contemporary English Version) I believe that faith can offer great joy. You see, when we trust that God has cleansed our past, controls our future and is present with us always, we're able to feel great peace, hope and happiness. 

American clairvoyant who claimed to diagnose diseases and recommend treatments for ailments while asleep. Edgar Cayce wrote, "Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions."

Joke for Today

Little Johnny was eating breakfast one morning and got to thinking about things. “Mommy, mommy, why has daddy got so few hairs on his head?” he asked his mother.

“He thinks a lot,” replied his mother, pleased with herself for coming up with a good answer to her husband's baldness.

Or she was until Johnny thought for a second and asked, “So why do you have so much hair?”

A Prayer Request

As Christians, we can offer specific daily prayers for our community, nation and world. Below is the need that we're laying before God today.

That all human trafficking would end.

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