Let's read the Bible together in the next year. Today our passages are Job 20:1–22:30; 2 Corinthians 1:1-11; Psalm 40:11-17; and Proverbs 22:2-4. The readings are the Contemporary English Version.
Job 20-22:30 (Contemporary English Version)
Job 20
Zophar's Second Speech
Your Words Are Disturbing
1Zophar from Naamah [a] said: 2Your words are disturbing; now I must speak. 3You have accused and insulted me, and reason requires a reply. 4Since the time of creation, everyone has known 5that sinful people are happy for only a while. 6Though their pride and power may reach to the sky, 7they will disappear like dust, and those who knew them will wonder what happened. 8They will be forgotten like a dream 9and vanish from the sight of family and friends. 10Their children will have to repay what the parents took from the poor. 11Indeed, the wicked will die and go to their graves in the prime of life.
1Zophar from Naamah [a] said: 2Your words are disturbing;
now I must speak.
3You have accused
and insulted me,
and reason requires a reply.
4Since the time of creation,
everyone has known
5that sinful people are happy
for only a while.
6Though their pride and power
may reach to the sky,
7they will disappear like dust,
and those who knew them
will wonder what happened.
8They will be forgotten
like a dream
9and vanish from the sight
of family and friends.
10Their children will have to repay
what the parents took
from the poor.
11Indeed, the wicked will die
and go to their graves
in the prime of life.
Sinners Love the Taste of Sin
12Sinners love the taste of sin; they relish every bite 13and swallow it slowly. 14But their food will turn sour and poison their stomachs. 15Then God will make them lose the wealth they gobbled down. 16They will die from the fangs of poisonous snakes 17and never enjoy rivers flowing with milk and honey. 18Their hard work will result in nothing gained, 19because they cheated the poor and took their homes. 20Greedy people want everything and are never satisfied. [b] 21But when nothing remains for them to grab, they will be nothing. 22Once they have everything, distress and despair will strike them down, 23and God will make them swallow his blazing anger. [c] 24While running from iron spears, they will be killed by arrows of bronze, 25whose shining tips go straight through their bodies. They will be trapped by terror, 26and what they treasure most will be lost in the dark. God will send flames to destroy them in their tents with all their property. 27The heavens and the earth will testify against them, 28and all their possessions will be dragged off when God becomes angry. 29This is what God has decided for those who are evil.
12Sinners love the taste of sin;
they relish every bite
13and swallow it slowly.
14But their food will turn sour
and poison their stomachs.
15Then God will make them lose
the wealth they gobbled down.
16They will die from the fangs
of poisonous snakes
17and never enjoy rivers flowing
with milk and honey.
18Their hard work will result
in nothing gained,
19because they cheated the poor
and took their homes.
20Greedy people want everything
and are never satisfied. [b] 21But when nothing remains
for them to grab,
they will be nothing.
22Once they have everything,
distress and despair
will strike them down,
23and God will make them swallow
his blazing anger. [c] 24While running from iron spears,
they will be killed
by arrows of bronze,
25whose shining tips go straight
through their bodies.
They will be trapped by terror,
26and what they treasure most
will be lost in the dark.
God will send flames
to destroy them in their tents
with all their property.
27The heavens and the earth
will testify against them,
28and all their possessions
will be dragged off
when God becomes angry.
29This is what God has decided
for those who are evil.
Job 21
Job's Reply to Zophar
If You Want To Offer Comfort
1Job said: 2If you want to offer comfort, then listen to me. 3And when I have finished, you can start your insults all over again. 4My complaint is against God; that's why I am impatient. 5Just looking at me is enough to make you sick, 6and the very thought of myself fills me with disgust. 7Why do evil people live so long and gain such power? 8Why are they allowed to see their children grow up? [d] 9They have no worries at home, and God never punishes them. 10Their cattle have lots of calves without ever losing one; 11their children play and dance safely by themselves. 12These people sing and celebrate to the sound of tambourines, small harps, and flutes, 13and they are successful, without a worry, until the day they die.
1Job said:
2If you want to offer comfort,
then listen to me.
3And when I have finished,
you can start your insults
all over again.
4My complaint is against God;
that's why I am impatient.
5Just looking at me is enough
to make you sick,
6and the very thought of myself
fills me with disgust.
7Why do evil people live so long
and gain such power?
8Why are they allowed to see
their children grow up? [d] 9They have no worries at home,
and God never punishes them.
10Their cattle have lots of calves
without ever losing one;
11their children play and dance
safely by themselves.
12These people sing and celebrate
to the sound of tambourines,
small harps, and flutes,
13and they are successful,
without a worry,
until the day they die.
Leave Us Alone!
14Those who are evil say to God All-Powerful, "Leave us alone! Don't bother us with your teachings. 15What do we gain from praying and worshiping you? 16We succeeded all on our own." And so, I keep away from them and their evil schemes. 17How often does God become angry and send disaster and darkness to punish sinners? 18How often does he strike them like a windstorm that scatters straw? 19You say, "God will punish those sinners' children in place of those sinners." But I say, "Let him punish those sinners themselves until they really feel it. 20Let God All-Powerful force them to drink their own destruction from the cup of his anger. 21Because after they are dead, they won't care what happens to their children."
14Those who are evil say
to God All-Powerful,
"Leave us alone! Don't bother us
with your teachings.
15What do we gain from praying
and worshiping you?
16We succeeded all on our own."
And so, I keep away from them
and their evil schemes.
17How often does God become angry
and send disaster and darkness
to punish sinners?
18How often does he strike them
like a windstorm
that scatters straw?
19You say, "God will punish
those sinners' children
in place of those sinners."
But I say, "Let him punish
those sinners themselves
until they really feel it.
20Let God All-Powerful force them
to drink
their own destruction
from the cup of his anger.
21Because after they are dead,
they won't care what happens
to their children."
Who Can Tell God What To Do?
22Who can tell God what to do? He judges powerful rulers. 23Some of us die prosperous, 24enjoying good health, 25while others die in poverty, having known only pain. 26But we all end up dead, beneath a blanket of worms. 27My friends, I know that you are plotting against me. 28You ask, "Where is the home of that important person who does so much evil?" 29Everyone, near and far, agrees 30that those who do wrong never suffer disaster, when God becomes angry. 31No one points out their sin or punishes them. 32Then at their funerals, they are highly praised; 33the earth welcomes them home, while crowds mourn. 34But empty, meaningless words are the comfort you offer me.
22Who can tell God what to do?
He judges powerful rulers.
23Some of us die prosperous,
24enjoying good health,
25while others die in poverty,
having known only pain.
26But we all end up dead,
beneath a blanket of worms.
27My friends, I know that you
are plotting against me.
28You ask, "Where is the home
of that important person
who does so much evil?"
29Everyone, near and far, agrees
30that those who do wrong
never suffer disaster,
when God becomes angry.
31No one points out their sin
or punishes them.
32Then at their funerals,
they are highly praised;
33the earth welcomes them home,
while crowds mourn.
34But empty, meaningless words
are the comfort you offer me.
Job 22
Eliphaz's Third Speech
What Use Are We Humans to God?
1Eliphaz from Teman [e] said: 2What use are we humans to God, even the wisest of us? 3If you were completely sinless, that would still mean nothing to God All-Powerful. 4Is he correcting you for worshiping him? 5No! It's because of your terrible sins. 6To guarantee payment of a debt, you have taken clothes from the poor. 7And you refused bread and water to the hungry and thirsty, 8although you were rich, respected, and powerful. 9You have turned away widows and have broken the arms of orphans. 10That's why you were suddenly trapped by terror, 11blinded by darkness, and drowned in a flood.
1Eliphaz from Teman [e] said: 2What use are we humans
to God,
even the wisest of us?
3If you were completely sinless,
that would still mean nothing
to God All-Powerful.
4Is he correcting you
for worshiping him?
5No! It's because
of your terrible sins.
6To guarantee payment of a debt,
you have taken clothes
from the poor.
7And you refused bread and water
to the hungry and thirsty,
8although you were rich,
respected, and powerful.
9You have turned away widows
and have broken the arms
of orphans.
10That's why you were suddenly
trapped by terror,
11blinded by darkness,
and drowned in a flood.
God Lives in the Heavens
12God lives in the heavens above the highest stars, where he sees everything. 13Do you think the deep darkness hides you from God? 14Do thick clouds cover his eyes, as he walks around heaven's dome high above the earth? 15Give up those ancient ideas believed by sinners, 16who were swept away without warning. 17They rejected God All-Powerful, feeling he was helpless, 18although he had been kind to their families. The beliefs of these sinners are truly disgusting. 19When God's people see the godless swept away, they celebrate, 20saying, "Our enemies are gone, and fire has destroyed their possessions."
12God lives in the heavens
above the highest stars,
where he sees everything.
13Do you think the deep darkness
hides you from God?
14Do thick clouds cover his eyes,
as he walks around heaven's dome
high above the earth?
15Give up those ancient ideas
believed by sinners,
16who were swept away
without warning.
17They rejected God All-Powerful,
feeling he was helpless,
18although he had been kind
to their families.
The beliefs of these sinners
are truly disgusting.
19When God's people see
the godless swept away,
they celebrate, 20saying,
"Our enemies are gone,
and fire has destroyed
their possessions."
Surrender to God All-Powerful
21Surrender to God All-Powerful! You will find peace and prosperity. 22Listen to his teachings and take them to heart. 23If you return to God and turn from sin, all will go well for you. 24So get rid of your finest gold, as though it were sand. 25Let God All-Powerful be your silver and gold, 26and you will find happiness by worshiping him. 27God will answer your prayers, and you will keep the promises you made to him. 28He will do whatever you ask, and life will be bright. 29When others are disgraced, God will clear their names in answer to your prayers. 30Even those who are guilty will be forgiven, because you obey God. [f]
Footnotes:- Job 20:1 Naamah: See the note at 2.11.
- Job 20:20 are never satisfied: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Job 20:23 anger: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 23.
- Job 21:8 up: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 8.
- Job 22:1 Teman: See the note at 2.11.
- Job 22:30 God: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verses 29,30.
21Surrender to God All-Powerful!
You will find peace
and prosperity.
22Listen to his teachings
and take them to heart.
23If you return to God
and turn from sin,
all will go well for you.
24So get rid of your finest gold,
as though it were sand.
25Let God All-Powerful
be your silver and gold,
26and you will find happiness
by worshiping him.
27God will answer your prayers,
and you will keep the promises
you made to him.
28He will do whatever you ask,
and life will be bright.
29When others are disgraced,
God will clear their names
in answer to your prayers.
30Even those who are guilty
will be forgiven,
because you obey God. [f]
- Job 20:1 Naamah: See the note at 2.11.
- Job 20:20 are never satisfied: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Job 20:23 anger: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 23.
- Job 21:8 up: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 8.
- Job 22:1 Teman: See the note at 2.11.
- Job 22:30 God: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verses 29,30.
2 Corinthians 1:1-11 (Contemporary English Version)
2 Corinthians 1
1From Paul, chosen by God to be an apostle of Jesus Christ, and from Timothy, who is also a follower.
To God's church in Corinth and to all of God's people in Achaia.
2I pray that God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ will be kind to you and will bless you with peace!
Paul Gives Thanks
3Praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! The Father is a merciful God, who always gives us comfort. 4He comforts us when we are in trouble, so that we can share that same comfort with others in trouble. 5We share in the terrible sufferings of Christ, but also in the wonderful comfort he gives. 6We suffer in the hope that you will be comforted and saved. And because we are comforted, you will also be comforted, as you patiently endure suffering like ours. 7You never disappoint us. You suffered as much as we did, and we know that you will be comforted as we were.
8My friends, I want you to know what a hard time we had in Asia. Our sufferings were so horrible and so unbearable that death seemed certain. 9In fact, we felt sure that we were going to die. But this made us stop trusting in ourselves and start trusting God, who raises the dead to life. 10God saved us from the threat of death, [a] and we are sure that he will do it again and again. 11Please help us by praying for us. Then many people will give thanks for the blessings we receive in answer to all these prayers.
- 2 Corinthians 1:10 the threat of death: Some manuscripts have "many threats of death."
Psalm 40:11-17 (Contemporary English Version)
11You, LORD, never fail to have pity on me; your love and faithfulness always keep me secure. 12I have more troubles than I can count. My sins are all around me, and I can't find my way. My sins outnumber the hairs on my head, and I feel weak. 13Please show that you care and come to my rescue. Hurry and help me! 14Disappoint and confuse all who want me dead; turn away and disgrace all who want to hurt me. 15Embarrass and shame all of those who say, "Just look at you now!" 16Our LORD, let your worshipers rejoice and be glad. They love you for saving them, so let them always say, "The LORD is wonderful!" 17I am poor and needy, but, LORD God, you care about me, and you come to my rescue. Please hurry and help.
11You, LORD, never fail
to have pity on me;
your love and faithfulness
always keep me secure.
12I have more troubles
than I can count.
My sins are all around me,
and I can't find my way.
My sins outnumber
the hairs on my head,
and I feel weak.
13Please show that you care
and come to my rescue.
Hurry and help me!
14Disappoint and confuse
all who want me dead;
turn away and disgrace
all who want to hurt me.
15Embarrass and shame
all of those who say,
"Just look at you now!"
16Our LORD, let your worshipers
rejoice and be glad.
They love you for saving them,
so let them always say,
"The LORD is wonderful!"
17I am poor and needy,
but, LORD God,
you care about me,
and you come to my rescue.
Please hurry and help.

Proverbs 22:2-4 (Contemporary English Version)
2The rich and the poor are all created by the LORD. 3When you see trouble coming, don't be stupid and walk right into it-- be smart and hide. 4Respect and serve the LORD! Your reward will be wealth, a long life, and honor.
2The rich and the poor
are all created
by the LORD.
3When you see trouble coming,
don't be stupid
and walk right into it--
be smart and hide.
4Respect and serve the LORD!
Your reward will be wealth,
a long life, and honor.
Thought for the Day
“A body is made up of many parts, and each of them has its own use. That's how it is with us. There are many of us, but we each are part of the body of Christ, as well as part of one another.” (Romans 12:4-5 - Contemporary English Version) We each have a role to playingthin the Body of Christ. And I believe it's job of the Body to help us find it, develop it and put it to use.
“A body is made up of many parts, and each of them has its own use. That's how it is with us. There are many of us, but we each are part of the body of Christ, as well as part of one another.” (Romans 12:4-5 - Contemporary English Version) We each have a role to playingthin the Body of Christ. And I believe it's job of the Body to help us find it, develop it and put it to use.
French poet, playwright, short story writer, novelist, and art critic of Polish-Belarusian descent, Guillaume Apollinaire wrote, “Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.”
Several days before Halloween, Tom, Dick and Harry were sitting in a bar enjoying a few quiet drinks, when they decided to get in on the Christmas raffle.
Since the raffle was for charity, they bought five tickets each. When the raffle was drawn a few days later, they each won a prize.
Tom won the first prize - a year's supply of gourmet spaghetti sauce.
Dick was the winner of the second prize - a six month supply of extra-long gourmet spaghetti.
And Harry won the sixth prize - a toilet brush.
The next time they met at the bar, Harry asked the others how they were enjoying their prizes. "Great," said Tom. "I love spaghetti."
"Me too," replied Dick.
"And how's the toilet brush, Harry?"
"Not so good," Harry groaned, "I reckon I'll go back to toilet paper."
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