Let's read the Bible together in the next year. Today our passages are Job 34:1–36:33; 2 Corinthians 4:1-12; Psalm 44:1-8; and Proverbs 22:10-12. The readings are the Contemporary English Version.
Job 34:1–36:33 (Contemporary English Version)
Job 34
Elihu Continues
You Men Think You Are Wise
1Elihu said: 2You men think you are wise,
but just listen to me!
3Think about my words,
as you would taste food.
4Then we can decide the case
and give a just verdict.
5Job claims he is innocent
and God is guilty
of mistreating him.
6Job also argues that God
considers him a liar
and that he is suffering severely
in spite of his innocence.
7But to tell the truth,
Job is shameless!
8He spends his time with sinners,
9because he has said,
"It doesn't pay to please God."
but just listen to me!
3Think about my words,
as you would taste food.
4Then we can decide the case
and give a just verdict.
5Job claims he is innocent
and God is guilty
of mistreating him.
6Job also argues that God
considers him a liar
and that he is suffering severely
in spite of his innocence.
7But to tell the truth,
Job is shameless!
8He spends his time with sinners,
9because he has said,
"It doesn't pay to please God."
If Any of You Are Smart
10If any of you are smart, you will listen and learn
that God All-Powerful
does what is right.
11God always treats everyone
the way they deserve,
12and he is never unfair.
13From the very beginning,
God has been in control
of all the world.
14If God took back the breath
that he breathed into us,
15we humans would die
and return to the soil.
16So be smart and listen!
17The mighty God is the one
who brings about justice,
and you are condemning him.
18Indeed, God is the one
who condemns unfair rulers.
19And God created us all;
he has no favorites,
whether rich or poor.
20Even powerful rulers die
in the darkness of night
when they least expect it,
just like the rest of us.
that God All-Powerful
does what is right.
11God always treats everyone
the way they deserve,
12and he is never unfair.
13From the very beginning,
God has been in control
of all the world.
14If God took back the breath
that he breathed into us,
15we humans would die
and return to the soil.
16So be smart and listen!
17The mighty God is the one
who brings about justice,
and you are condemning him.
18Indeed, God is the one
who condemns unfair rulers.
19And God created us all;
he has no favorites,
whether rich or poor.
20Even powerful rulers die
in the darkness of night
when they least expect it,
just like the rest of us.
God Watches Everything We Do
21God watches everything we do. 22No evil person can hide
in the deepest darkness.
23And so, God doesn't need
to set a time for judgment.
24Without asking for advice,
God removes mighty leaders
and puts others in their place.
25He knows what they are like,
and he wipes them out
in the middle of the night.
26And while others look on,
he punishes them
because they were evil
27and refused to obey him.
28The persons they mistreated
had prayed for help,
until God answered
their prayers.
29When God does nothing,
can any person or nation
find fault with him?
30But still, he punishes rulers
who abuse their people. [a] 31Job, you should tell God
that you are guilty
and promise to do better.
32Then ask him to point out
what you did wrong,
so you won't do it again.
33Do you make the rules,
or does God?
You have to decide--
I can't do it for you;
now make up your mind.
34Job, anyone with good sense
can easily see
35that you are speaking nonsense
and lack good judgment.
36So I pray for you to suffer
as much as possible
for talking like a sinner.
37You have rebelled against God,
time after time,
and have even insulted us.
in the deepest darkness.
23And so, God doesn't need
to set a time for judgment.
24Without asking for advice,
God removes mighty leaders
and puts others in their place.
25He knows what they are like,
and he wipes them out
in the middle of the night.
26And while others look on,
he punishes them
because they were evil
27and refused to obey him.
28The persons they mistreated
had prayed for help,
until God answered
their prayers.
29When God does nothing,
can any person or nation
find fault with him?
30But still, he punishes rulers
who abuse their people. [a] 31Job, you should tell God
that you are guilty
and promise to do better.
32Then ask him to point out
what you did wrong,
so you won't do it again.
33Do you make the rules,
or does God?
You have to decide--
I can't do it for you;
now make up your mind.
34Job, anyone with good sense
can easily see
35that you are speaking nonsense
and lack good judgment.
36So I pray for you to suffer
as much as possible
for talking like a sinner.
37You have rebelled against God,
time after time,
and have even insulted us.
Job 35
Elihu Continues
Are You Really Innocent?
1Elihu said: 2Job, are you really innocent
in the sight of God? [b] 3Don't you honestly believe
it pays to obey him?
4I will give the answers
to you and your friends.
5Look up to the heavens
6and think!
Do your sins hurt God?
7Is any good you may have done
at all helpful to him?
8The evil or good you do
only affects other humans.
9In times of trouble,
everyone begs the mighty God
to have mercy.
10But after their Creator
helps them through hard times,
they forget about him,
11though he makes us wiser
than animals or birds.
12God won't listen to the prayers
of proud and evil people.
13If God All-Powerful refuses
to answer their empty prayers,
14he will surely deny
your impatient request
to face him in court.
15Job, you were wrong to say
God doesn't punish sin.
16Everything you have said
adds up to nonsense.
in the sight of God? [b] 3Don't you honestly believe
it pays to obey him?
4I will give the answers
to you and your friends.
5Look up to the heavens
6and think!
Do your sins hurt God?
7Is any good you may have done
at all helpful to him?
8The evil or good you do
only affects other humans.
9In times of trouble,
everyone begs the mighty God
to have mercy.
10But after their Creator
helps them through hard times,
they forget about him,
11though he makes us wiser
than animals or birds.
12God won't listen to the prayers
of proud and evil people.
13If God All-Powerful refuses
to answer their empty prayers,
14he will surely deny
your impatient request
to face him in court.
15Job, you were wrong to say
God doesn't punish sin.
16Everything you have said
adds up to nonsense.
Job 36
Elihu Continues
Be Patient a While Longer
1Elihu said: 2Be patient a while longer;
I have something else to say
in God's defense.
3God always does right--
and this knowledge
comes straight from God. [c] 4You can rest assured
that what I say is true.
5Although God is mighty,
he cares about everyone
and makes fair decisions.
6The wicked are cut down,
and those who are wronged
receive justice.
7God watches over good people
and places them
in positions
of power and honor forever.
8But when people are prisoners
of suffering and pain,
9God points out their sin
and their pride,
10then he warns them
to turn back to him.
11And if they obey,
they will be successful
and happy from then on.
12But if they foolishly refuse,
they will be rewarded
with a violent death.
I have something else to say
in God's defense.
3God always does right--
and this knowledge
comes straight from God. [c] 4You can rest assured
that what I say is true.
5Although God is mighty,
he cares about everyone
and makes fair decisions.
6The wicked are cut down,
and those who are wronged
receive justice.
7God watches over good people
and places them
in positions
of power and honor forever.
8But when people are prisoners
of suffering and pain,
9God points out their sin
and their pride,
10then he warns them
to turn back to him.
11And if they obey,
they will be successful
and happy from then on.
12But if they foolishly refuse,
they will be rewarded
with a violent death.
Godless People Are Too Angry
13Godless people are too angry to ask God for help
when he punishes them.
14So they die young
in shameful disgrace.
15Hard times and trouble
are God's way
of getting our attention!
16And at this very moment,
God deeply desires
to lead you from trouble
and to spread your table
with your favorite food.
17Now that the judgment
for your sins
has fallen upon you,
18don't let your anger
and the pain you endured
make you sneer at God.
19Your reputation and riches
cannot protect you
from distress,
20nor can you find safety
in the dark world below. [d] 21Be on guard! Don't turn to evil
as a way of escape.
22God's power is unlimited.
He needs no teachers
23to guide or correct him.
when he punishes them.
14So they die young
in shameful disgrace.
15Hard times and trouble
are God's way
of getting our attention!
16And at this very moment,
God deeply desires
to lead you from trouble
and to spread your table
with your favorite food.
17Now that the judgment
for your sins
has fallen upon you,
18don't let your anger
and the pain you endured
make you sneer at God.
19Your reputation and riches
cannot protect you
from distress,
20nor can you find safety
in the dark world below. [d] 21Be on guard! Don't turn to evil
as a way of escape.
22God's power is unlimited.
He needs no teachers
23to guide or correct him.
Others Have Praised God
24Others have praised God for what he has done,
so join with them.
25From down here on earth,
everyone has looked up
and seen
26how great God is--
God is more than we imagine;
no one can count the years
he has lived.
27God gathers moisture
into the clouds
28and supplies us with rain.
29Who can understand
how God scatters the clouds
and speaks from his home
in the thunderstorm?
30And when God sends lightning,
it can be seen
at the bottom of the sea.
31By producing such rainstorms,
God rules the world
and provides us with food.
32Each flash of lightning
is one of his arrows
striking its target,
33and the thunder tells
of his anger against sin. [e]
Footnotes:- Job 34:30 people: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verses 29,30.
- Job 35:2 are. . . God: Or "is it right for you to accuse God?"
- Job 36:3 comes straight from God: The Hebrew text has "comes from a distant place," which refers to the place where God lives; Elihu is claiming that he learned this from God.
- Job 36:20 below: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verses 18-20.
- Job 36:33 sin: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 33.
so join with them.
25From down here on earth,
everyone has looked up
and seen
26how great God is--
God is more than we imagine;
no one can count the years
he has lived.
27God gathers moisture
into the clouds
28and supplies us with rain.
29Who can understand
how God scatters the clouds
and speaks from his home
in the thunderstorm?
30And when God sends lightning,
it can be seen
at the bottom of the sea.
31By producing such rainstorms,
God rules the world
and provides us with food.
32Each flash of lightning
is one of his arrows
striking its target,
33and the thunder tells
of his anger against sin. [e]
- Job 34:30 people: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verses 29,30.
- Job 35:2 are. . . God: Or "is it right for you to accuse God?"
- Job 36:3 comes straight from God: The Hebrew text has "comes from a distant place," which refers to the place where God lives; Elihu is claiming that he learned this from God.
- Job 36:20 below: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verses 18-20.
- Job 36:33 sin: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 33.
2 Corinthians 4:1-12 (Contemporary English Version)
2 Corinthians 4
Treasure in Clay Jars
1God has been kind enough to trust us with this work. That's why we never give up. 2We don't do shameful things that must be kept secret. And we don't try to fool anyone or twist God's message around. God is our witness that we speak only the truth, so others will be sure that we can be trusted. 3If there is anything hidden about our message, it is hidden only to someone who is lost. 4The god who rules this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers. They cannot see the light, which is the good news about our glorious Christ, who shows what God is like. 5We are not preaching about ourselves. Our message is that Jesus Christ is Lord. He also sent us to be your servants. 6The Scriptures say, "God commanded light to shine in the dark." Now God is shining in our hearts to let you know that his glory is seen in Jesus Christ.
7We are like clay jars in which this treasure is stored. The real power comes from God and not from us. 8We often suffer, but we are never crushed. Even when we don't know what to do, we never give up. 9In times of trouble, God is with us, and when we are knocked down, we get up again. 10-11We face death every day because of Jesus. Our bodies show what his death was like, so that his life can also be seen in us. 12This means that death is working in us, but life is working in you.
7We are like clay jars in which this treasure is stored. The real power comes from God and not from us. 8We often suffer, but we are never crushed. Even when we don't know what to do, we never give up. 9In times of trouble, God is with us, and when we are knocked down, we get up again. 10-11We face death every day because of Jesus. Our bodies show what his death was like, so that his life can also be seen in us. 12This means that death is working in us, but life is working in you.
Psalm 44:1-8 (Contemporary English Version)
Psalm 44
(A special psalm for the people of Korah and for the music leader.)
A Prayer for Help
1Our God, our ancestors told us what wonders you worked
and we listened carefully.
2You chased off the nations
by causing them trouble
with your powerful arm.
Then you let our ancestors
take over their land.
3Their strength and weapons
were not
what won the land
and gave them victory!
You loved them and fought
with your powerful arm
and your shining glory.
4You are my God and King,
and you give victory [a] to the people of Jacob.
5By your great power,
we knocked our enemies down
and stomped on them.
6I don't depend on my arrows
or my sword to save me.
7But you saved us
from our hateful enemies,
and you put them to shame.
8We boast about you, our God,
and we are always grateful.
Footnotes:- Psalm 44:4 and. . . victory: One ancient translation; Hebrew " please give victory."
and we listened carefully.
2You chased off the nations
by causing them trouble
with your powerful arm.
Then you let our ancestors
take over their land.
3Their strength and weapons
were not
what won the land
and gave them victory!
You loved them and fought
with your powerful arm
and your shining glory.
4You are my God and King,
and you give victory [a] to the people of Jacob.
5By your great power,
we knocked our enemies down
and stomped on them.
6I don't depend on my arrows
or my sword to save me.
7But you saved us
from our hateful enemies,
and you put them to shame.
8We boast about you, our God,
and we are always grateful.
- Psalm 44:4 and. . . victory: One ancient translation; Hebrew " please give victory."

Proverbs 22:10-12 (Contemporary English Version)
10Arguments and fights
will come to an end,
if you chase away those
who insult others.
11The king is the friend of all
who are sincere
and speak with kindness.
12The LORD watches over everyone
who shows good sense,
but he frustrates the plans
of deceitful liars.
will come to an end,
if you chase away those
who insult others.
11The king is the friend of all
who are sincere
and speak with kindness.
12The LORD watches over everyone
who shows good sense,
but he frustrates the plans
of deceitful liars.
Thought for the Day
“You Gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens with everyone else who belongs to the family of God.” (Ephesians 2:19 - Contemporary English Version) Although nations make distinctions between who belongs and who doesn't, that's not the case with God. Through Jesus Christ, we're all citizens of his kingdom.
English painter associated early in her career with the later phase of the Pre-Raphaelite Movement, Evelyn de Morgan wrote, “Art is eternal, but life is short.”
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