Let's read the Bible together in the next year. Today our passages are Ezekiel 40:28–41:26; James 4:1-17; Psalm 118:19-29; and Proverbs 28:3-5. The readings are the Contemporary English Version.
Ezekiel 40:28-41:26 (Contemporary English Version)
The Gates Leading to the Inner Courtyard
28We then went into the inner courtyard, through the gate on the south side of the temple. The man measured the gate, and it was the same size as the gates in the outer wall. 29-30In fact, everything along the passageway was also the same size, including the guardrooms, the walls separating them, the entrance room at the far end, and the windows. This gate, like the others, was eighty-five feet long and forty-two feet wide. 31The entrance room of this gate faced the outer courtyard, and carvings of palm trees decorated the walls of the passageway. Eight steps led up to this gate. 32Next, we went through the east gate to the inner courtyard. The man measured this gate, and it was the same size as the others. 33The guardrooms, the walls separating them, and its entrance room had the same measurements as the other gates. The guardrooms and the entrance room had windows, and the gate was eighty-five feet long and forty-two feet wide. 34The entrance room faced the outer courtyard, and the walls in the passageway were decorated with carvings of palm trees. Eight steps also led up to this gate.
35Then the man took me to the north gate. He measured it, and it was the same size as the others, 36including the guardrooms, the walls separating them, and the entrance room. There were also windows in this gate. It was eighty-five feet long and forty-two feet wide, 37and like the other inner gates, its entrance room faced the outer courtyard, and its walls were decorated with carvings of palm trees. Eight steps also led up to this gate.
35Then the man took me to the north gate. He measured it, and it was the same size as the others, 36including the guardrooms, the walls separating them, and the entrance room. There were also windows in this gate. It was eighty-five feet long and forty-two feet wide, 37and like the other inner gates, its entrance room faced the outer courtyard, and its walls were decorated with carvings of palm trees. Eight steps also led up to this gate.
The Rooms for Sacrificing Animals
38-39Inside the entrance room of the north gate, I saw four tables, two on each side of the room, where the animals to be sacrificed were killed. Just outside a] this room was a small building used for washing the animals before they were offered as sacrifices to please the LORD b] or sacrifices for sin c] or sacrifices to make things right. d]40Four more tables were in the outer courtyard, two on each side of the steps leading into the entrance room. 41So there was a total of eight tables, four inside and four outside, where the animals were killed, 42-43and where the meat was placed until it was sacrificed on the altar. e] Next to the tables in the entrance room were four stone tables twenty inches high and thirty inches square; the equipment used for killing the animals was kept on top of these tables. All around the walls of this room was a three inch shelf. f]
The Rooms Belonging to the Priests
44The man then took me to the inner courtyard, where I saw two buildings, one beside the inner gate on the north and the other beside the inner gate on the south. g] 45He said, "The building beside the north gate belongs to the priests who serve in the temple, 46and the building beside the south gate belongs to those who serve at the altar. All of them are descendants of Zadok and are the only Levites allowed to serve as the LORD's priests."
The Inner Courtyard and the Temple
47Now the man measured the inner courtyard; it was one hundred seventy feet square. I also saw an altar in front of the temple. 48We walked to the porch of the temple, and the man measured the doorway of the porch: It was twenty-four feet long, h] eight feet wide, and the distance from the doorway to the wall on either side was five feet. 49The porch itself was thirty-four feet by twenty i] feet, with steps j] leading up to it. There was a column on each side of these steps.
Ezekiel 41
1Next we went into the main room of the temple. The man measured the doorway of this room: It was ten feet wide, k]2seventeen feet long, and the distance from the doorway to the wall on either side was eight feet. The main room itself was sixty-eight feet by thirty-four feet. 3-4Then the man walked to the far end of the temple's main room and said, "Beyond this doorway is the most holy place." He first measured the doorway: It was three feet wide, ten feet long, and the distance from the doorway to the wall on either side was twelve feet. Then he measured the most holy place, and it was thirty-four feet square.
The Storage Rooms of the Temple
5The man measured the wall of the temple, and it was ten feet thick. Storage rooms seven feet wide were built against the outside of the wall. 6There were three levels of rooms, with thirty rooms on each level, and they rested on ledges that were attached to the temple walls, so that nothing was built into the walls. 7The walls of the temple were thicker at the bottom than at the top, which meant that the storage rooms on the top level were wider than those on the bottom level. l] Steps led from the bottom level, through the middle level, and into the top level. 8The temple rested on a stone base ten feet high, which also served as the foundation for the storage rooms.9The outside walls of the storage rooms were eight feet thick; there was nothing between these walls 10and the nearest buildings thirty-four feet away. 11One door led into the storage rooms on the north side of the temple, and another door led to those on the south side. The stone base extended eight feet beyond the outside wall of the storage rooms.
The West Building and the Measurements of the Temple
12I noticed another building: It faced the west end of the temple and was one hundred seventeen feet wide, one hundred fifty feet long, and had walls over eight feet thick. 13The man measured the length of the temple, and it was one hundred seventy feet. He then measured from the back wall of the temple, across the open space behind the temple, to the back wall of the west building; it was one hundred seventy feet. 14The distance across the front of the temple, including the open space on either side, was also one hundred seventy feet.
15Finally, the man measured the length of the west building, including the side rooms on each end, and it was also one hundred seventy feet.
The inside walls of the temple's porch and main room m]
15Finally, the man measured the length of the west building, including the side rooms on each end, and it was also one hundred seventy feet.
The inside walls of the temple's porch and main room m]
The Inside of the Temple
16were paneled with wood all the way from the floor to the windows, while the doorways, the small windows, and the three side rooms were trimmed in wood. n] 17The paneling stopped just above the doorway. These walls were decorated o] 18-20with carvings of winged creatures and had a carving of a palm tree between the creatures. Each winged creature had two faces: A human face looking at the palm tree on one side, and a lion's face looking at the palm tree on the other side. These designs were carved into the paneling all the way around the two rooms. 21The doorframe to the temple's main room was in the shape of a rectangle. In front of the doorway to the most holy place was something that looked like
The Wooden Altar
22a wooden altar. It was five feet high and four feet square, p] and its corners, its base, q] and its sides were made of wood. The man said, "This is a reminder that the LORD is constantly watching over his temple."
The Doors in the Temple
23Both the doorway to the main room of the temple and the doorway to the most holy place had two doors, 24and each door had two sections that could fold open. 25The doors to the main room were decorated with carvings of winged creatures and palm trees just like those on the walls, and there was a wooden covering over the porch just outside these doors. 26The walls on each side of this porch had small windows and were also decorated with carvings of palm trees.
Footnotes:- Ezekiel 40:38 Just outside: Or "Inside."
- Ezekiel 40:38 sacrifices to please the LORD: These sacrifices have traditionally been called "whole burnt offerings" because the whole animal was burned on the altar. A main purpose of such sacrifices was to please the LORD with the smell of the sacrifice, and so in the CEV they are often called "sacrifices to please the LORD."
- Ezekiel 40:38 sacrifices for sin: See Leviticus 4.1,2; 6.24-30.
- Ezekiel 40:38 sacrifices to make things right: See Leviticus 5.14-19; 7.1-10.
- Ezekiel 40:42 where the meat. . . altar: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Ezekiel 40:42 was a three inch shelf: Or "were three inch pegs."
- Ezekiel 40:44 south: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 44.
- Ezekiel 40:48 twenty-four feet long: One ancient translation; these words are not in the Hebrew text of this verse.
- Ezekiel 40:49 twenty: One ancient translation; Hebrew "eighteen."
- Ezekiel 40:49 steps: Hebrew; one ancient translation "ten steps."
- Ezekiel 41:1 It was ten feet wide: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Ezekiel 41:7 which meant that. . . on the bottom level: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Ezekiel 41:15 The inside walls of the temple's porch and main room: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Ezekiel 41:16 were trimmed in wood: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Ezekiel 41:17 decorated: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 17.
- Ezekiel 41:22 four feet square: One ancient translation; Hebrew "four feet wide."
- Ezekiel 41:22 base: One ancient translation; Hebrew "length."
- Ezekiel 40:38 Just outside: Or "Inside."
- Ezekiel 40:38 sacrifices to please the LORD: These sacrifices have traditionally been called "whole burnt offerings" because the whole animal was burned on the altar. A main purpose of such sacrifices was to please the LORD with the smell of the sacrifice, and so in the CEV they are often called "sacrifices to please the LORD."
- Ezekiel 40:38 sacrifices for sin: See Leviticus 4.1,2; 6.24-30.
- Ezekiel 40:38 sacrifices to make things right: See Leviticus 5.14-19; 7.1-10.
- Ezekiel 40:42 where the meat. . . altar: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Ezekiel 40:42 was a three inch shelf: Or "were three inch pegs."
- Ezekiel 40:44 south: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 44.
- Ezekiel 40:48 twenty-four feet long: One ancient translation; these words are not in the Hebrew text of this verse.
- Ezekiel 40:49 twenty: One ancient translation; Hebrew "eighteen."
- Ezekiel 40:49 steps: Hebrew; one ancient translation "ten steps."
- Ezekiel 41:1 It was ten feet wide: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Ezekiel 41:7 which meant that. . . on the bottom level: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Ezekiel 41:15 The inside walls of the temple's porch and main room: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Ezekiel 41:16 were trimmed in wood: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
- Ezekiel 41:17 decorated: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 17.
- Ezekiel 41:22 four feet square: One ancient translation; Hebrew "four feet wide."
- Ezekiel 41:22 base: One ancient translation; Hebrew "length."
James 4:1-17 (Contemporary English Version)
James 4
Friendship with the World
1Why do you fight and argue with each other? Isn't it because you are full of selfish desires that fight to control your body? 2You want something you don't have, and you will do anything to get it. You will even kill! But you still cannot get what you want, and you won't get it by fighting and arguing. You should pray for it. 3Yet even when you do pray, your prayers are not answered, because you pray just for selfish reasons. 4You people aren't faithful to God! Don't you know that if you love the world, you are God's enemies? And if you decide to be a friend of the world, you make yourself an enemy of God. 5Do you doubt the Scriptures that say, "God truly cares about the Spirit he has put in us"? a] 6In fact, God treats us with even greater kindness, just as the Scriptures say, "God opposes everyone
who is proud,
but he is kind to everyone
who is humble."
7Surrender to God! Resist the devil, and he will run from you. 8Come near to God, and he will come near to you. Clean up your lives, you sinners. Purify your hearts, you people who can't make up your mind. 9Be sad and sorry and weep. Stop laughing and start crying. Be gloomy instead of glad. 10Be humble in the Lord's presence, and he will honor you.
who is proud,
but he is kind to everyone
who is humble."
7Surrender to God! Resist the devil, and he will run from you. 8Come near to God, and he will come near to you. Clean up your lives, you sinners. Purify your hearts, you people who can't make up your mind. 9Be sad and sorry and weep. Stop laughing and start crying. Be gloomy instead of glad. 10Be humble in the Lord's presence, and he will honor you.
Saying Cruel Things about Others
11My friends, don't say cruel things about others! If you do, or if you condemn others, you are condemning God's Law. And if you condemn the Law, you put yourself above the Law and refuse to obey either it 12or God who gave it. God is our judge, and he can save or destroy us. What right do you have to condemn anyone?
Warning against Bragging
13You should know better than to say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to the city. We will do business there for a year and make a lot of money!" 14What do you know about tomorrow? How can you be so sure about your life? It is nothing more than mist that appears for only a little while before it disappears. 15You should say, "If the Lord lets us live, we will do these things." 16Yet you are stupid enough to brag, and it is wrong to be so proud. 17If you don't do what you know is right, you have sinned.
Footnotes:- James 4:5 God truly cares about the Spirit he has put in us: One possible meaning for the difficult Greek text; other translations are possible, such as, "the Spirit that God put in us truly cares."
- James 4:5 God truly cares about the Spirit he has put in us: One possible meaning for the difficult Greek text; other translations are possible, such as, "the Spirit that God put in us truly cares."
Psalm 118:19-29 (Contemporary English Version)
19Open the gates of justice!
I will enter and tell the LORD
how thankful I am.
20Here is the gate of the LORD!
Everyone who does right
may enter this gate.
21I praise the LORD
for answering my prayers
and saving me.
22The stone that the builders
tossed aside
has now become
the most important stone.
23The LORD has done this,
and it is amazing to us.
24This day belongs to the LORD!
Let's celebrate
and be glad today.
25We'll ask the LORD to save us!
We'll sincerely ask the LORD
to let us win.
26God bless the one who comes
in the name of the LORD!
We praise you from here
in the house of the LORD.
27The LORD is our God,
and he has given us light!
Start the celebration!
March with palm branches
all the way to the altar. a] 28The LORD is my God!
I will praise him and tell him
how thankful I am.
29Tell the LORD
how thankful you are,
because he is kind
and always merciful.
Footnotes:- Psalm 118:27 Start. . . altar: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
I will enter and tell the LORD
how thankful I am.
20Here is the gate of the LORD!
Everyone who does right
may enter this gate.
21I praise the LORD
for answering my prayers
and saving me.
22The stone that the builders
tossed aside
has now become
the most important stone.
23The LORD has done this,
and it is amazing to us.
24This day belongs to the LORD!
Let's celebrate
and be glad today.
25We'll ask the LORD to save us!
We'll sincerely ask the LORD
to let us win.
26God bless the one who comes
in the name of the LORD!
We praise you from here
in the house of the LORD.
27The LORD is our God,
and he has given us light!
Start the celebration!
March with palm branches
all the way to the altar. a] 28The LORD is my God!
I will praise him and tell him
how thankful I am.
29Tell the LORD
how thankful you are,
because he is kind
and always merciful.
- Psalm 118:27 Start. . . altar: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
Proverbs 28:3-5 (Contemporary English Version)
3When someone poor takes over
and mistreats the poor,
it's like a heavy rain
destroying the crops.
4Lawbreakers praise criminals,
but law-abiding citizens
always oppose them.
5Criminals don't know
what justice means,
but all who respect the LORD
understand it completely.
and mistreats the poor,
it's like a heavy rain
destroying the crops.
4Lawbreakers praise criminals,
but law-abiding citizens
always oppose them.
5Criminals don't know
what justice means,
but all who respect the LORD
understand it completely.

Thought for the Day
“Sing joyful songs to the LORD! Praise the mighty rock where we are safe. Come to worship him with thankful hearts and songs of praise.” (Psalm 95:1-2 - Contemporary English Version) God is worthy of our worship and praise. He provides hope as we move into an uncertain future and peace as we confront problems and pain right here and now.
Quote for the Day
“Sing joyful songs to the LORD! Praise the mighty rock where we are safe. Come to worship him with thankful hearts and songs of praise.” (Psalm 95:1-2 - Contemporary English Version) God is worthy of our worship and praise. He provides hope as we move into an uncertain future and peace as we confront problems and pain right here and now.
American writer best known for his humorous poems, Arthur Guiterman wrote, “Don't tell your friends about your indigestion. ‘How are you’ is a greeting, not a question.”
After picking up food for his daughter's cat, George spied a new bowl for the pet and grabbed it too.
"Shall I have the cat's name written on the side of the bowl?" offered the store owner.
"No, don't bother," replied George. "He can't read anyway."
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