Exciting New Titles for Spring 2022
|  Unbroken and Unbowed A History of Black Protest in America Jimmie R. Hawkins
$30.00 $19.50 - You save 35% at PC(USA) Store!
In this compelling and informative volume, Jimmie R. Hawkins walks the reader through the many forms of Black protest in American history, from pre-colonial times though the George Floyd protests of 2020. Hawkins breaks American history into five sections, with subsections highlighting how Black identity helped to shape protest during that period. Purchase Now from PC(USA) Store & Save 35% |

Returning from the Abyss Pivotal Moments in the Book of Jeremiah Walter Brueggemann
$18.00 $11.70 - You save 35% at PC(USA) Store!
In Returning from the Abyss, Walter Brueggemann explores the book of Jeremiah to illuminate the dual themes of Israel’s long walk into, and out of, the trauma and devastation of exile. Throughout, Brueggemann points out the role of the prophet in overturning a people’s illusory sense of security in unjust structures and leading those same people toward the hope of restoration and return. He highlights the themes that inform the narratives of both Israel and “American exceptionalism.” Readers will examine how the holiness of God is at work in untamed historical processes that point us toward a costly hope for a just economic and political future. Purchase Now from PC(USA) Store & Save 35% |
 UnClobber, Expanded Edition with Study Guide Rethinking Our Misuse of the Bible on Homosexuality Colby Martin
$18.00 $11.70 - You save 35% at PC(USA) Store!
Armed with only six passages in the Bible—often known as the “Clobber Passages”—the conservative Christian position has been one that stands against the full inclusion of our LGBTQ siblings. UnClobber reexamines each of those passages, and alternates with author Colby Martin’s own story of being fired from an evangelical megachurch when they discovered his stance on sexuality. UnClobber reviews what the Bible says (and does not say) about homosexuality in such a way that sheds divine light on outdated and inaccurate assumptions and interpretations. This new edition equips study groups and congregations with questions for discussion and a sermon series guide for preachers.
Purchase Now from PC(USA) Store & Save 35% |
 Words of Love A Healing Journey with the Ten Commandments Eugenia Anne Gamble
$18.00 $11.70 - You save 35% at PC(USA) Store!
The Ten Commandments are more than a list of ancient rules. Beneath the surface, they offer a profound invitation to healing and transformation. In this unique Bible study, readers will discover that the Ten Commandments are words from the heart of God, given to reconcile creation to Creator and God’s people to one another. In Words of Love, Eugenia Anne Gamble dives into each of the Ten Commandments and examines their application for modern-day Christians, going beyond the letter of the law to a spiritual truth pointing us toward wholeness and well-being. Each chapter includes a spiritual practice and questions for reflection and discussion to help readers engage deeply with the message of each commandment, whether individually or in a group.
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 Let My People Live An Africana Reading of Exodus Kenneth N. Ngwa
$35.00 $22.75 - You save 35% at PC(USA) Store! Available Late April
Let My People Live reengages the Exodus narrative through a critical, life-affirming Africana hermeneutic that seeks to create and sustain a vision of not just the survival but the thriving of Black communities. Kenneth Ngwa argues that doing interpretive work through an activist, culturally grounded lens rightly recognizes how communities of readers actively shape the priorities of any biblical interpretation. Preorder Now from PC(USA) Store & Save 35%
 Voices Long Silenced Women Biblical Interpreters through the Centuries Joy A. Schroeder and Marion Ann Taylor
$40.00 $26.00 - You save 35% at PC(USA) Store!
Joy A. Schroeder and Marion Ann Taylor focus on women’s written words and briefly comment on women’s interpretation in media, such as music, visual arts, and textile arts. They include short, representative excerpts from diverse women’s own writings that demonstrate noteworthy engagement with Scripture. Voices Long Silenced calls on scholars and religious communities to recognize the contributions of women, past and present, who interpreted Scripture, preached, taught, and exercised a wide variety of ministries in churches and synagogues. Purchase Now from PC(USA) Store & Save 35% |

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