|  Teach your entire congregation how to live out their faith through the study of biblical practices—things Jesus did or taught—with Follow Me: Biblical Practices for Faithful Living. This new, unit-based curriculum examines where these practices are found in the Bible and how they have been used in Christian faith then and now. This curriculum is for worshiping communities of all sizes and can be used with seekers and longtime disciples of all ages. | Features- Craft worship services based on the practice you’re studying using the foundational essays, worship helps, and children’s worship leaflets from the Congregational Guide.
- Gather all ages together with the intergenerational session found in the Congregational Guide.
- Hold informal small-group gatherings in person or via video chat using the café discussion guide included in the Congregational Guide.
- Learn about each practice with different ages and stages using the Leader’s Guides for young children, multiage children, youth, and adults.
- Encourage adults to study the practice on their own or with a small group using the Adult Reflection Guide and our free conversation starter videos.
Learn more and download free samples and videos here. | 
For more information, please visit www.pcusastore.com or call 1.800.533.4371.
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