Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Old Stories for Young Ears – Mary and Joseph

Mary learns that she will be Jesus' mother | Catholic CourierSince I have a little more free time than I’ve had in the past, I’m going to do something I thoroughly enjoy doing. I’m going to tell a few stories intended for children. And since I’m a minister, I believe some of the very best stories are from the Bible. That’s the reason I’ve entitled this series “Old Stories for Young Ears.” During each of these episodes, I’ll share a story that reflects God’s love for us all and some principle that might relate to life. Remember, these are stories with many different applications. I’m not suggesting that my take excludes all others nor that these should be taken as scientific or historical fact. Just like the parables Jesus told, these stories can help us better understand God, ourselves and the world within which we live.

In this particular video, we're shifting gears and starting a series of stories dealing with the life of Jesus. We'll begin by focusing on Elizabeth, Zachariah and a Baby from Luke 1:26-56; Matthew 1:18-25, with an emphasis on the pride felt by the people who thought they could be like God. Both the passage and video are below. I hope both you and your children enjoy my retelling of the story and find it meaningful.

Luke 1:26-56

ColorOne month later God sent the angel Gabriel to the town of Nazareth in Galilee with a message for a virgin named Mary. She was engaged to Joseph from the family of King David. The angel greeted Mary and said, “You are truly blessed! The Lord is with you.”

Mary was confused by the angel’s words and wondered what they meant. Then the angel told Mary, “Don’t be afraid! God is pleased with you, and you will have a son. His name will be Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of God Most High. The Lord God will make him king, as his ancestor David was. He will rule the people of Israel forever, and his kingdom will never end.”

Mary asked the angel, “How can this happen? I am not married!”

The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come down to you, and God’s power will come over you. So your child will be called the holy Son of God. Your relative Elizabeth is also going to have a son, even though she is old. No one thought she could ever have a baby, but in three months she will have a son. Nothing is impossible for God!”

Mary said, “I am the Lord’s servant! Let it happen as you have said.” And the angel left her.

A short time later Mary hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea. She went into Zechariah’s home, where she greeted Elizabeth. Then Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, her baby moved within her.

The Holy Spirit came upon Elizabeth. Then in a loud voice she said to Mary:

God has blessed you more than any other woman! He has also blessed the child you will have. Why should the mother of my Lord come to me? As soon as I heard your greeting, my baby became happy and moved within me. The Lord has blessed you because you believed that he will keep his promise.

Mary said:

With all my heart
    I praise the Lord,
and I am glad
    because of God my Savior.
He cares for me,
    his humble servant.
From now on,
all people will say
    God has blessed me.
God All-Powerful has done
great things for me,
    and his name is holy.
He always shows mercy
to everyone
    who worships him.
The Lord has used
    his powerful arm
to scatter those
    who are proud.
He drags strong rulers
    from their thrones
and puts humble people
    in places of power.
God gives the hungry
    good things to eat,
and sends the rich away
    with nothing.
He helps his servant Israel
and is always merciful
    to his people.
The Lord made this promise
    to our ancestors,
to Abraham and his family

Mary stayed with Elizabeth about three months. Then she went back home.

An Angel Spoke to Joseph Bible Activities on Sunday School ZoneMatthew 1:18-25

This is how Jesus Christ was born. A young woman named Mary was engaged to Joseph from King David’s family. But before they were married, she learned that she was going to have a baby by God’s Holy Spirit. Joseph was a good man and did not want to embarrass Mary in front of everyone. So he decided to quietly call off the wedding.

While Joseph was thinking about this, an angel from the Lord came to him in a dream. The angel said, “Joseph, the baby that Mary will have is from the Holy Spirit. Go ahead and marry her. Then after her baby is born, name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”

So the Lord’s promise came true, just as the prophet had said, “A virgin will have a baby boy, and he will be called Immanuel,” which means “God is with us.”

After Joseph woke up, he and Mary were soon married, just as the Lord’s angel had told him to do.  But they did not sleep together before her baby was born. Then Joseph named him Jesus.

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