Thursday, January 27, 2022

Ministry Matters - From self care to soul care

leadership books
Daily digest
by Rebekah Simon-Peter
Many congregations are weighed down with grief, resentment, and fear, unable to move forward. Many leaders are tired and discouraged.This year, as a way to restore hope and purpose, let's move through the stages of repentance, remembrance, acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude, and embracing on each of the six Sundays of Lent. READ MORE
by Aaron Perry
Even if the spirit of self-care is healthy, the language is more indebted to the therapeutic emphasis of the twentieth century than to the theology of the first century (or, as we will see, the fourth). Ironically, self-care—when wrongly but not unreasonably considered—might even perpetuate the problem: the overwhelmed, off-balance caregiving person might consider self-care as just one more thing to do!  READ MORE
by James Howell
Remember your calling, how you got into ministry. You may or may not report on any of this in the sermon – but to be cognizant of it, even if you have agonies and regrets like Jeremiah! Owning your calling liberates you to help people hear their calling. And given Jeremiah’s full story, it’s a long, tough road of sorrows, frustrations, lack of success, and constant questioning.READ MORE
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