Thursday, April 2, 2020

It’s April Fools’ Day. Let’s Do This!

Snopes to scale back fact-checking due to overwhelming COVID-19 ...

Daily Debunker

It’s April Fools’ Day. Let’s Do This!

Nothing puts a damper on hilarity like a deadly pandemic, but by the same token human buffoonery knows no bounds. Pandemic or not, April Fools’ Day is on. While a few high-minded pranksters have opted to sit it out this year, others are dutifully cranking out spoofs and gags to give the rest of us something to laugh at.
It’s a tradition here at Snopes to keep a running list of notable April Fools’ pranks throughout the day. Distracted though we may be this time around, we’re happy to be able to bring you this year’s edition of April Fools’ fact checks. Enjoy!

Fact Checks

Did an Orangutan Start Hand-Washing During COVID-19 Pandemic?

Sandra the orangutan loves to wash her hands. We should all be more like Sandra.

Did Trump Golf, Hold Rallies After Learning About COVID-19 Threat?

After U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell suggested the government's response to the initial coronavirus outbreak was in part distracted by the president's impeachment, rebuttal memes started flying.

Did the Trump Administration Send 18 Tons of PPE to China in Early 2020?

Critics have questioned the wisdom of exporting to China medical supplies that would soon be vitally needed in the U.S.

Do Photos Show Las Vegas Homeless Sleeping in ‘Social Distanced’ Parking Lot?

"Las Vegas is now packing people into concrete grids out of sight," one critic proclaimed.

Did the House Give Itself a $25M Raise in Coronavirus Aid Bill?

Rumors claimed that U.S. representatives were using coronavirus aid legislation to give themselves a pay raise.

Were Ventilators Found ‘Stashed’ in a Warehouse in New York?

Social media posts painted a misleading picture about the plan for distributing ventilators amid the coronavirus pandemic.

This Isn't a Prank

Snopes needs your help.

In the News

The Origins and Scientific Failings of the COVID-19 ‘Bioweapon’ Conspiracy Theory

The coronavirus responsible for COVID-19 has deadly adaptations that make it perfect for infecting humans. But this is a testament to natural selection, not bioengineering.

Wimbledon Canceled for 1st Time Since WWII Because of Coronavirus

Wimbledon was scheduled to be played on the club's grass courts on the outskirts of London from June 29 to July 12.

Census Day Arrives with US Almost Paralyzed by Coronavirus

April 1 is the date used to reference where a person lives during the census count.

What You Need to Do to Get Your Government Stimulus Check

Anyone earning up to $75,000 in adjusted gross income and who has a Social Security number will receive a $1,200 payment.

Coronavirus Deaths in NYC Top 1,000 as City Prepares for Worse

Authorities are racing to build temporary hospitals in Central Park, sports complexes, and other spaces in the crowded city.

Staff Pick

April Fools’ Day Origins

How the custom of pranking on April 1 came about remains shrouded in mystery. We’ve compiled a list of theories, as well as some classic pranks from years past.
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